View Full Version : Healthy Living Club

09-01-2008, 09:21 AM
Share your diet (healthy living) - excercise - lifestyle questions, concerns, tips and experiences here!

Good Luck, Everyone! :scale:

:hurdle: :walk: :rope: :strong: :lift: :trampo: :bowl:

09-01-2008, 01:32 PM
Well, we didn't have much participation here last month, so I'm going to kick things off and hope we all are living healthy in September!

Hubby and I joined the city rec center program. We actually joined at the natatorium, so we get use of the work out equipment there as well as the pool and the other rec center on our side of town (which has a lot less equipment), and at the outdoor pool. We joined last Monday, and we worked out Thursday evening, and then I worked out yesterday afternoon. I'm hoping to get hubby to go work out with me again this afternoon.

Other than that, my stress level at work is starting to slack off somewhat, so hopefully I can get fully back on track with my eating habits as well.

09-01-2008, 07:45 PM
Hi there! I decided I'd post on this thread, cuz I'm darn proud of myself :blush: So far I've lost almost 90 lb, have about 28 more to go before I reach my goal! I do cardio-kickboxing 3-5 days a week and strength train 2-3 days a week. I FINALLY feel like I've made this a lifestyle, not a "diet" especially my eating habits! It's been A L O N G time in the coming, but I think I see the light at the end of the tunnel :cloud9: After all of this, I'm seriously thinking about becoming a certifed personal trainer/life coach. Ok, I'm done bragging about myself, haha!!

09-01-2008, 07:53 PM
I lost 25 pounds doing the weight watcher's program and have kept it off since January of '08. This is the longest I've maintained a weight loss in about 14 years! I'm trying to talk myself into getting motivated to take off another 10 pounds. I'm at a very healthy weight and my doctor and family/friends keep telling me that I look fantastic the way I am...but I think I want to try and get off another 10 pounds. Since my heaviest weight ever, I'm down 50 pounds so I feel really good about myself but that 10 pounds keeps tempting me. I know I could do it with a regular exercise schedule...I've just got to get myself motivated to do it.

09-01-2008, 09:42 PM
Congrats to you both! :fworks:

09-03-2008, 12:56 PM
I FINALLY feel like I've made this a lifestyle, not a "diet" especially my eating habits! It's been A L O N G time in the coming, but I think I see the light at the end of the tunnel

I TOTALLY get making it a lifestyle. Six months ago, I decided that I needed to get healthy. I got my buns into the gym, talked about what I wanted to do with a trainer, and have never looked back. I've lost 40lbs, and work out 4 times a week. I've totally changed my eating habits. Nothing fancy, no program, just watching the intake and reducing my "need" for those extra portions.

Congratulations to all posters who have made the lifestyle change. Keep up the awesome work!

09-04-2008, 08:33 AM
We've got some awesome success stories going on...this is exactly what I need for motivation! I'm starting fitness boot camp at the local parks and rec center next Wed and I'm ready to tackle it head on. I've promised myself a trip to WDW (or maybe a cruise) if I can get 25 lbs off by Spring!

09-06-2008, 05:28 PM
Our rec center offers a boot camp too, but it's currently not at a time that we can participate. Let me know how it goes!

We went to the rec center this morning and got trained on all the weight machines, and got entered into the FitLinxx system so we can track our progress. :thumbsup:

Puppy Mom
09-14-2008, 08:41 PM
I just bought a book called YOU on a Diet by Dr. Michael Roizen and Dr. Mehmet Oz.

Their way of eating seems to be a bit like the Mediterannean diet. What I like about the book so far is that they explain the biological reasons behind eating a certain way and the biological reasons why eating some foods we crave only get us in a vicious hunger cycle.

They say that if you eat the right kinds of foods your body is happy with far fewer calories.

Next week my sweetie and I are going to clean out the fridge and pantry and restock with all the good stuff.

They say you don't need to worry about weight, just your belly measurement.

09-15-2008, 12:45 PM
Perhaps I only need to worry about my belly measurement, but I can't seem to not worry about my weight. :(

Right now I'm frustrated over the "muscle weighs more than fat" concept as I've been working out quite a bit, and I've gained 3 pounds! My nutritionist said I should do 60 minutes of cardio 5 days a week for weight loss which I did last week, and instead of losing, I gained. I'm trying not to get discouraged as I actually feel pretty good since I've been working out, but it's tough. :bike: :walk: :lift: :strong:

09-16-2008, 07:50 AM
I'm right there with ya on that one. I've been working out moderately almost everyday, no :marg: or :beer:, cutting back on portions and I too have gained a pound...:confused: I'm not discouraged though, I actually already do feel better.

The boot camp is pretty good. It's outside most days (weather permitting) and they have it at the local park area so it's a good combo of running, other cardio and strength training and stretching. I was pretty sore upper body on Thursday (it started Wed of last week) and then Friday they did some killer leg stuff and I was practically a cripple on Saturday-but it was worth it!

I went out for dinner for a friend's bday last night and boxed up over half my dinner to go so I felt good about that too!

10-10-2008, 10:51 AM
Well, I'm still battling the muscle weighs more than fat fact, but I am feeling a little better during and after the workouts, so hopefully I'm making some progress with toning up.

How's everyone else doing?

10-10-2008, 12:39 PM
I've got to get back on track, the week before our trip to disney I kind of stopped working out and watching what I ate, then the disney trip came and it's now been a month since we were there and I'm not really back on track. So starting today I'm getting back to it. I had lost 17 lbs and gained 3 back (which isn't bad for a month of slacking off) So I want to get back on track with the big picture in mind. I let you know how it goes next week. (Wish me luck my grandma's b-day party is tomorrow with a family of good cooks but not good for you food.)

11-09-2008, 10:08 PM
I'm doing really well with my workouts, as I've made the list of the top 30 female participants for the last 4 weeks. And, I can definitely tell that my muscles are toning, but I'm still not losing weight. I know that I've been making too many allowances since I know I've been offsetting those calories with working out and that that is the problem. I got a Wii Fit, and I've started using it, so I'm hoping that little bit of extra activity will help inspire me. :scale:

11-14-2008, 10:58 AM
OK everyone! Yesterday I hit the 20 pounds lost mark. I have changed my eating habits since Aug 26 (the first day of school for my kids)

I am so excited about finally getting here! I am not sure what my goal weight is right now. I know for sure I want to lose at least 15-20 more pounds to get in the right BMI for me but that would be in the high end of the range.

My reason for posting today is to encourage us all to Hang On! The Holidays are coming (in a couple of weeks- EEK!) and I for one am NOT willing to give up all I have worked so hard to achieve. My approach? portion control. Load up on the good stuff, teeny tastes on the other! I think I am going to bring a green salad to my Inlaws for Thanksgiving.

WHO'S with me?!?!?!

11-15-2008, 08:48 PM
Congrats Carrie! :congrats:

I agree, the holidays are tough - full of temptations not just at the big meals, but also when people bring treats into the workplace. Stay strong! "Cheats" have been my downfall lately, so I'm trying hard to minimize them.

11-18-2008, 12:03 AM
Well I'll be the newbie here! :blush: I just started my exercise program last week. My DH and I are wanting to possibably start trying for a baby next winter. I figure that will get me a year to get into better shape and better eating habits. Any advice on what exercises or anythings else that will help my body get ready for pregnancy?

I went to my first class today called BodyFlow. This class is supposed to help with flexability, toning, relaxing and stretching. It was pretty nice today because they turned out all the lights, lit candles and played music while doing different moves. It was hard but pretty nice. I'm starting out by doing this class twice a week, weights once a week, and cardio twice a week.

Wish me luck, I have a long road to go.

11-19-2008, 02:14 PM
I'm happy to join the group! I started cutting calories a month ago and I've tried to exercise more. I, too, bought the Wii Fit, but I need to use it more consistently.

I'm also trying to make this a lifestyle change. Always before, I would be very strict and obsessive about whatever program I was doing, and then when I would have a bad week it would totally derail my efforts and I would go back to bad eating behavior. Now, I've filled my house with more healthy foods and much more produce. But if we order pizza, I have a couple slices. If I'm at a birthday party, I have a piece of cake. I'm not craving foods anymore because I'm not depriving myself. I've lost 11 pounds since I started.

Here's a tip! Always have plain yogurt on hand. If your fruit is getting a little mushy or overripe, throw it in a blender with the yogurt and a little honey. I've made many smoothies lately instead of throwing away fruit!


11-19-2008, 02:16 PM
OK everyone! Yesterday I hit the 20 pounds lost mark. I have changed my eating habits since Aug 26 (the first day of school for my kids)

I am so excited about finally getting here! I am not sure what my goal weight is right now. I know for sure I want to lose at least 15-20 more pounds to get in the right BMI for me but that would be in the high end of the range.

My reason for posting today is to encourage us all to Hang On! The Holidays are coming (in a couple of weeks- EEK!) and I for one am NOT willing to give up all I have worked so hard to achieve. My approach? portion control. Load up on the good stuff, teeny tastes on the other! I think I am going to bring a green salad to my Inlaws for Thanksgiving.

WHO'S with me?!?!?!

I am!!! Congratulations on your successes!


11-19-2008, 02:28 PM
I'm hanging in there too! This week was supposed to be my final week of a 12 week fitness boot camp but I am sick as a dog with a head cold so I'm missing the last week (I'm really bummed about that too since I enjoyed it.)

It really helped and I am still doing well on cutting back on food and :marg:. I'm slightly disappointed because the new fitness classes I want to take don't start back til January. It's like they don't understand we need the MOST help at this time of the year!!

12-04-2008, 10:01 PM
Any tips on how to behave myself at WDW?

We're hoping to work out at least a couple of times at Coronado, and I know we'll get a lot of walking in, but I also know I'll overeat as well as not make the best choices.