View Full Version : I'm so confused! (Jonas Bros & Chelsea Handler)

Minnie Imagineer
08-13-2008, 10:56 AM
Ok, so every night at 11:30pm I watch Chelsea Latley with Chelsea Handler on the E! network. I think the show is hilarious.
However, on monday night she had a pretend interview with the Jonas Brothers (of whom I love). She was making fun of their purity rings, their hair, the whole Miley thing, and how she dosen't know one of their names (Kevin, the eldest). I was not to thrilled with this being a huge Jonas Brothers fan.
Again on tuesday night, she was saying how tons of Jonas Bros fans emailed her with 'hate mail', etc. She said that she didn't mind this, but she did mind how the fans had a horrible use of grammer. I became even angrier with her now.
I don't know if I should continue watching Chelsea if she makes fun of 'people like me'. I can take a joke, but when you invole the Jonas Brothers it goes to far!
Anyway, you see my dilemma....I am basically just venting. Feel free to leave any comments

08-13-2008, 12:26 PM
I was watching an episode of Last Comic Standing and there was an Indian guy making jokes about America. As an American, I didn't find them funny at all. He was kicked off the show that night, but I still won't watch it. Comedy just isn't my thing, but some people do find jokes to be humorous, and that's fine. Just as long as I don't have to watch it, you're free to watch whatever you want.

08-13-2008, 03:13 PM
Chelsea Handler and Kathy Griffin (the redhead comedian) have a very specific fan set I think. I find some of their stuff funny, but both of them generally make me not want to hang around very long to be honest. I think JB are great young me, I wish there were more guys out there like them. If you don't like her, I'd quit watching her. I wish there were more comedians like Ellen DeGeneres and Whoppi Goldberg who didn't have to make cheap shots and do stupid things to get an audience and could rely on their talented humor.

08-13-2008, 03:52 PM
It seems that you like Chelsea's sense of humor... until she makes fun of things that you like. Why is it OK for her to make fun of others but not the Jonas Bros? I'm not trying to be mean, but you can't let something a comic says on TV bother you this much. If you watched her every day before and you enjoyed the show, then keep watching...

I personally don't watch because i simply don't find Chelsea funny at all. This is like her 3rd attempt at having a show, and I'm pretty sure the fact that she dates the head of the E! network has something to do with this one, not her comedic talent.

08-13-2008, 04:23 PM
Her book is selling well enough. I wish I could sell books like that. Maybe if I had a TV show... and I wouldn't make fun of the Jonas Brothers. :cool:

Seriously, sorry she did that. It is kind of mean to tempt the Jonas Brothers fans over and then make fun of them. I could see if her demographic is into making fun of that sort of thing, but then don't advertise an interview and get fans excited. But her bottom line is ratings, and they probably went up.

08-13-2008, 05:55 PM
Seriously, sorry she did that. It is kind of mean to tempt the Jonas Brothers fans over and then make fun of them. I could see if her demographic is into making fun of that sort of thing, but then don't advertise an interview and get fans excited. But her bottom line is ratings, and they probably went up.

I didn't realize she had promoted it as an actual interview. That is a bit mean. I actually watched the clip, which wasn't funny, and some of the humor was very adult. So if she baited Jonas Brothers fans to watch her show, that is very wrong.

Minnie Imagineer
08-13-2008, 10:05 PM
I believe she did prompt it as an actual interview (not positive though!). But I would not want some Jonas Brothers fans who are around anywhere from 8-14 to be watching this. The humor was very adult, I even found it very 'adult' and i'm one of their older fans at 17. I don't mind as much as Chelsea making fun of the Bros but to make fun of their fans (some of who are very young including my cousins, the kids I babysit for, and my best friends little sisters) is going too far. Plus, I bet many parents who have kids who love Jonas Bros who watch Chelsea (sorry that was a lot of 'who's) couldn't have enjoyed her making fun of their children. Even people who do not have anything to do with JB might have found this offensive...like her making fun of diabeties, religious beliefs, etc.

08-14-2008, 06:28 PM
I enjoy Chelsea Lately, she's not trying to offend people that's just her humor. The whole concept of her show is gossiping and making fun of celebritys as well as herself.

Even if I had children and they were fans of the Jonas Brothers I wouldn't let them watch that interview because I know it wouldn't be appropriate. Almost everything that comes out of her mouth isn't approriate. :mickey:

08-15-2008, 07:30 PM
I attempted to watch this show, but I just cannot stand it. I can watch shows like Last Comic Standing, and find almost everything hilarious. I have a sense of humor, but I could never watch Chelsea Lately.