View Full Version : should this be happening?

07-31-2008, 07:33 AM
I had a wisdom tooth removed on Monday, Now I can barely open my mouth is this normal? when I try to open my mouth there is alot of pain.should i call thr Dr. or wait and see if it heals itself?

07-31-2008, 08:35 AM
I had a wisdom tooth out in Febuary and know what you are experiencing. :( The first few days were rough and I had a hard time l opening my mouth fully to talk, forget eating! Every experience and person is different though, so if you feel it is really bad, I would just call the Dr and check.
Hope you're feeling better soon!

07-31-2008, 09:16 AM
the dr said to chew chewing gum to work out the soreness.

07-31-2008, 01:16 PM
I had a wisdom tooth removed in November. The first few days were pretty miserable. Mine was a straight extraction. There was no cutting. It was very sore, but I was able to open my mouth.

I did have stiches. If you also have stitches in your mouth I would not advise chewing gum. I was told that I couldn't eat anything hard or chewy days. Seems like an odd bit of advice. You don't want to disturb the clot.

Everyone reacts to surgical procedures differently. Having wisdom teeth removed is a big trauma to your mouth. Give it time to heal and just take it easy. Did a dentist do it, or an oral surgeon? Wait a few days and if you don't feel better call an oral surgeon. Whe they took mine out I got a whole booklet full of instructions on what to do for the next few days.

Good luck and I hope you feel better soon.

07-31-2008, 02:20 PM
It may just be normal discomfort from the procedure, but check with your dentist...it could be a dry socket and those have to be treated so to prevent infection

07-31-2008, 02:26 PM
As the others have already said each person's response to the removal of wisdom teeth is very different. However, since this you had this done on Monday and this is only Thursday I would say you are probably pretty typical. But, of course, since none of here can actually see you it is hard for any of us to really say.

The important thing to think about is that tomorrow is Friday which means if you have any issues or want relief over the weekend it will be much harder to get hold of your oral surgeon. If you still have concerns as of early tomorrow morning I would suggest you call no later than about 9:00 am on Friday so they have an opportunity to work you in on Friday.

07-31-2008, 08:36 PM
I also think its probably normal. Days 4-5 of my wisdom teeth removal were horrible. And my dentist actually expected me to go in and get a cavity filled that had developed because of how my wisdom teeth had come in crooked (I ended up waiting a little longer). But by tomorrow it should be getting better.

And like others said, if you have stiches I would stay away from gum or other sticky/chewy things. It might help keep the soreness away, but if it pulls out your stitches it won't be worth it.
