View Full Version : Has anyone done the "time for two" couple's Massage @ the Mandara Spa?

07-17-2008, 02:02 PM
I'm looking for a bit more info on the Couple's massage @ the Mandara Spa. We just booked one for the first day of arrival to get a great kick-start to our relaxing anniversary trip.
For some reason I always feel rude asking too many questions over the phone but have no problem pestering all of you fellow intercot-ers :rocks:
So anyway, any details would be appriated (Note : we've done massages elsewhere in the past so I'm mainly looking for specifics on the Mandara's couple massage)
They mentioned to get there 10-15 mins early to change, do they provide robes? (past massages haven't been that fancy) Or do they mean just plane arrive early to have time to strip down?
And then what? Straight into the massage or do they seat us by likea relaxation area or something.
Then what will the actual massage entail. It's an 80 min massage, and from the price we were trying to guess if it would be one massage therapist like working alternatingly on both of us (thus both getting about 40 mins of massage inthe long run?) or will it be 2 different therapists working one on one with each of us? (if so, that's quite a long massage!) Either way is fine, we're just curios how it will all go down.
Ooo, and then do you pay before or after? When I booked yesterday I made sure to tell them we wanted to use the intercot discount, but I just want to make sure it goes thru fine.
If we were to arrive early are there sauna's or something that we could use, or would we just be sitting in the waiting area?
Thanks for the help!

07-17-2008, 05:18 PM
We haven't done a couple's massage, but I'd love to hear the comments, too! Maybe hubbie would go for it if he hears a guy's point of view on it.

P.S. Congrats on the anniversary!!! :mickey:

07-18-2008, 11:16 AM
Well, I can't speak for the couples massage at Mandara, I can speak for the one at Grand Floridian. DW and I did this last month (June), and it was my first time to get a massage, needless to say, I was a little apprehensive. However, it was really relaxing and enjoyable.

We got there about 10 minutes early, checked in, met our therapists, mine was a guy, hers was a girl, and they escorted us to the (separate) changing rooms. In the changing room there were showers, sauna, steam room and hot tub. Since we had just come from our hotel where we showered and cleaned up, we both just stripped down to our underwear, put on robes they provided and waited in the waiting room just outside the dressing area. After a few minutes, my therapist came and got me then we met up with my wife and her therapist. We both chose the oils they would use and then they took us into the room. It was a dual purpose room with a movable wall opening which was open for us. Our tables weren't really close together, but they were close enough that we could see and talk to each other without yelling. The lights were dim and soft music was playing and our therapists worked on us for about 30-40 minutes. Afterward we went back to our dressing rooms to shower, change, etc.

I would imagine the Mandara would be a similar experience. Hopefully, someone will reply that has been there. If not, call them and ask, they probably get those questions daily.