View Full Version : Your OWN sheets?!?

06-25-2008, 09:37 AM
Do you bring and use your own sheets / bedding?

I've heard people do this, just wondering how many. I never have done it before...but am considering it.

06-25-2008, 09:45 AM
It would have never crossed my mind to, and likely never will. Just seems so unnecessary to me.

06-25-2008, 10:20 AM
I agree with the above poster, It never crossed my mind. I think it would take up precious luggage space. I don't have a problem the sheets provided by Disney.

06-25-2008, 11:19 AM
Call me a prude, but for our next trip to any hotel, I am going to bring my own mattress pad. This is because when we stayed at the Poly on our last trip, there were no matress pads on the beds, and none were provided despite asking mousekeeping several times.

I happen to think that given the number of people who share hotel beds yearly, at least a matress pad is required. For example, what if someone had perspired excessively, urinated, spilled a drink or gotten sick on the bed? I'm right on top of it.

06-25-2008, 12:57 PM
I have never thought of this before until we had a conversation at work one day about this same topic...needless to say, after the horror stories -- I will always bring my own sheets, pillowcases and washclothes too....(when you REALLY start to think about the washclothes - yuk!)

06-25-2008, 01:43 PM
Never thought of doing that, but we always take off the big comforter & put it in the closet. Those things make me wanna :sick:

06-25-2008, 02:07 PM
I can only imagine all the overweight luggage on the flights down. The airlines are going to love you all!:D

We really have no issue with the sheets, but like Crystal said, get rid of the comforters!!!:ack:

06-25-2008, 02:27 PM
Do you bring and use your own sheets / bedding?

I've heard people do this, just wondering how many. I never have done it before...but am considering it.

As far as I know, hotels change the sheets and wash with bleach each time, but only change the blankets and bedspreads "when they look dirty". So I"m okay with the sheets - but would rather have my own blankets...but I really can't see packing them down there with me!

06-25-2008, 02:33 PM
While I understand the reasoning, once a dirty comforter is put on a clean bed, the entire bed is dirty in my opinion. There is nothing to keep the seperation.

Therefore any remedies really are an illusion...

I sleep just fine, I don't sweat the small stuff. I'm sure our own bathrooms are worse than anything encountered at Disney, except for their public bathrooms.

06-25-2008, 02:39 PM
I like my own pillow, but other than that- I just blindly trust the mousekeepers!

06-26-2008, 11:00 PM
The thought has never occured to us, and we'd never do it. Can you imagine the extra luggage cost just for the bedding?:eek: If you're driving, though, I suppose it wouldn't make a difference to throw in an extra blanket or two.

I know hotels have gotten a bad rap lately for germs and such, but I bet if we tested our own homes, there'd be a fair amount, too. Especially for those with large families, or a lot of people going in and out in general.

06-27-2008, 06:29 AM
I happen to think that given the number of people who share hotel beds yearly, at least a matress pad is required. For example, what if someone had perspired excessively, urinated, spilled a drink or gotten sick on the bed? I'm right on top of it.
You know.... I never would have thought of this....but now, I'll probably never forget it!
Are some things just better left unsaid?;)

06-27-2008, 10:12 AM
If you really want to do this, but luggage weight is an issue, you can purchase a product called a Dreamsack. Its like a really thin sleeping bag that has a pouch for the pillow and keeps you from sleeping on the hotel sheets. It probably wouldn't take up too much room in a suitcase.

06-27-2008, 08:47 PM
I took my own bottom sheet simply because I like a fitted sheet on the bottom. Mine was blue (so as not to be confused with the resorts' white sheets) and I made my bed each day instead of having mousekeeping do it. I also left a note with the daily tip telling them there was no need to do anything to the bed.

POFQ, Oct. 2007

06-28-2008, 05:11 AM
I'm one of those people who bring their pillow(s) everywhere and on all vacations. :blush:

06-28-2008, 05:26 AM
I have no problem with the Disney bedding. I cannot imagine myself bringing sheets from home. I just hope nobody rubbed tainted tomatoes on my blankets!

Jeri Lynn
06-28-2008, 08:41 AM
Can you ask for clean comforters upon your arrival and if they bring them are they really "clean"????

Snow's Mom
06-28-2008, 12:58 PM
At least the sheets have been washed. If you want to worry, worry about the pillows.:drama:

As a friend of mine once said, a hotel room is probably a lot cleaner than a college dorm room and we lived through that.

06-28-2008, 02:37 PM
We always bring our own pillows(with pillowcases on), and I like to take a light weight blanket for the kids, and down comforter for me.(I FREEZE at night). It is king sized. But sometimes we don't have room to take all that, so I just tell myself that no one will die from using the hotel comforter....(repeat it over and over in my head...) No one else in my family seems to have a problem with it, but I do. I am also known for wiping down the entire room and bathroom with lysol wipes. If hotels loaned out carpet steam cleaners, I use that too!

07-07-2008, 04:46 PM
I am a complete hotel snob. I need everything to be perfectly clean and unquestionable or I freak out. I can't tell you how many reservations, in my short adult life, that I have cancelled and decided to camp because all of these things freak me out til I am awake all night and sometimes crying to get out of there. The bathrooms gross me out as well. If you know anyone who has worked in a hotel, then you know very well some of the horror stories of people and what they leave behind. Sitting in a bathtub that doesn't belong to me or plopping down on top of a bed that held a couple of very dirty people just a few days ago creeps me out. Like someone else said; what if someone vomitted on the mattress or worse! The bed bugs makes it even worse for me. The thought of the bed bugs. I would like to say I would bring my own sheets and blankets and stuff but I probably wouldnt do this, just because, it isn't going to make it easier for me. What will, is coming back to my room so exhausted that I can't think. Oh well, I guess we are all just human animals. We all have share the same bodily fluids and such. Not like we are sharing a room with a gorilla that marks his territory.

07-07-2008, 06:05 PM
Two words:

Lysol Spray
