View Full Version : Newspaper coming to interview us about Indiana Jones!

05-14-2008, 08:01 AM
The local newspaper calls us yesterday to ask could they come out and interview archaeologists about the new Indy movie and it has impacted our field, and our personal lives!:D

So this Friday we are hosting a reporter with the hopes that he/she leaves with a better understanding of what archaeology is, why we do it, how we do it, and casually mention that we don't kill Nazi's or rarely do we find booby trapped archaeological sites.:funny:

It should be fun - we rarely have visitors!

Completely separate from the interview this Friday the following weekend we are setting up a display at our local movie theater for the opening of Indy. Again, to talk with the public about archaeology. This should be a lot of fun - we love talking to the public, and we are going to ask the reporter to do a follow up article at the theatre.

It is not very often that archaeology is in the spotlight so we have to enjoy it when we can!:dighole:

05-14-2008, 08:04 AM
How very cool! Archaeology seems so fascinating as a career field. Keep us posted. I hope you can share the article when it hits print. Enjoy the spotlight. :thumbsup:

05-14-2008, 08:47 AM
How cool is that? I hope you have a lot of fun with both of these events. Must be fun for you to have such a spotlight on the thing that you love to do. :thumbsup:

Jeff G
05-14-2008, 10:42 AM
That is cool that they are coming to interview you. It's to bad that unlike Indiana Jones most of your expeditions are covert so you cannot truly divulge the risks associated in such a career;).

On a serious note, I am very jealous of your career. I love archeology and studying the past, if I could go back in time my career path would have led me either your way or to astronomy. I would guess that 90% of my TV viewing time is on the Science Channel, Discovery, The History Channel, or National Geographic.

Enjoy the spotlight!

05-14-2008, 11:34 AM
How cool! And you may not kill nazis....but you find some really cool and important "buried stuff" (non-technical term for artifacts) out there!!

As for the booby traps-I think the alligators would qualify!! :gator:

You know I want a copy of this article! Maybe you'll get your pic taken for it too-so don't forget to wear your fedora hat and take your bullwhip! :dighole:

05-14-2008, 11:41 AM
WOW! That is really really cool and exciting news!!

05-14-2008, 11:44 AM
I too once considered becoming an archaeologist. Kudos to you on getting the attention you deserve. Please post the article when it's completed!

05-14-2008, 12:12 PM
Yahoo News had an article yesterday stating that archaeologists don't normally carry a whip like Indy. Shocker!

05-14-2008, 01:29 PM
Thanks everybody for the great responses.

To you folks who wanted to be an archaeologist - don't fret it, the money isn't great! :D (but doing a job I love more than makes up for it....blah, blah, blah!) :funny:

No really, I love my job and I love talking to people about what we do.

As far as a whip, no none of us carry one but we do work on a government facility in South Carolina - nearly 300,000 acres - and it is full of wild animals. We all have had our share of run ins with wild boar, rattlesnakes, bobcats, bored security personnel and yes - believe it or not, alligators. (Thanks jrkcr for bringing that up!) One guy in our office worked on a gov't facility where they had to be mindful of unexploded ordinance!

Hmmm...now that I think of it, Indy has nothing on us! ;)

05-14-2008, 01:47 PM
I didn't know you were an archaeologist - totally cool! I love history and museums and also once considered digging for buried treasures when I grew up (and not because of Indy although he's one awesome guy). When we went on family vacations when I was younger and we saw the archaeolists at work at the historical sites we would visit, I was always jealous of those folks who hunched over in those large holes in the ground, laboring in the sun, digging and sifting ever so slowly in through the dirt (doesn't sound like quite so much fun now that I'm older (cough)). I'm glad to hear that you love it. You know, the reporter isn't coming until Friday - that's plenty of time to rustle up a fedora and bullwhip.

05-14-2008, 01:57 PM
......that's plenty of time to rustle up a fedora and bullwhip.

Uhhh... I have the fedoa.:blush::D

and I can't talk about the whip! !!wink-wink!!

05-14-2008, 06:00 PM
You need to work in something about how X never marks the spot. :secret:

I wanted to be an archaeologist once - in eighth grade, we got to assist at a dig site for a couple of days, and it was fun. (Hard work, but fun.)

05-14-2008, 09:37 PM
Kill Nazi's.


"Nazi's! I hate these guys!" -Dr. H. Jones, Jr.

05-16-2008, 08:51 AM
[QUOTE=SAHDad;1629624]You need to work in something about how X never marks the spot. :secret:

That is a great idea. I think I will use it in my conversations with the reporter and see if he/she uses it!:D

05-19-2008, 02:34 PM
I'd take giant rolling balls over wild boar anyday! :D

05-19-2008, 02:47 PM
How great for you! The majority of us labor in complete obscurity our entire lives and yet we are constantly adding to the world in some positive way or another. So it is really great when one of us get a few moments in the sun!! Enjoy it while it lasts!

I get a kick out of people who watch movies like the Indiana Jones movies and think that they are looking at an accurate depiction of whatever is on the screen. They never seem to give it a second thought that this may have been made up for a good story! That is why we need to watch things with our kids and give them the real look at these things!

05-19-2008, 09:33 PM
That's awesome! I have wanted to be an archaeologist my whole life and started out in college with an archeology/anthropology degree, but changed my major to nursing after a year. I didn't know what kind of work I would be able to find as an archaeologist, and at that time nursing sounded like a more stable degree. I still kick myself over that sometimes...but anyway, congratulations on the interview and I hope that you have a great time!

05-20-2008, 09:17 AM
We really tried to push the "definition of archaeology" angle but he really just wanted to know how Indy and the movies influenced us/archaeology, how people perceive archaeology, the good/bad the movies caused, etc.

The photographer was completely bored and only took a couple of shots. They promised they would visit the exhibit on Saturday. We'll see.

The article is supposed to be in Thursday's paper. I'll post a link if it is worth reading!

05-22-2008, 09:16 AM
Well the article appeared in today's paper and it is not to bad ( I am the George he is referring to). It is in the Augusta Chronicle newspaper for those interested but as of now the article has not posted to the website.

All in all, positive but he did not mention our program for this weekend at the movie theater when we specifically asked him to.

05-25-2008, 02:38 PM
So how did your arch display at the theater go? Did you wear the hat??

05-26-2008, 06:21 AM
Does a theme song play in your head as you go to work?:D

Being an archeologist would be totally cool!:cool: