View Full Version : Ideas for cartrip

04-28-2008, 01:57 PM
I would like to make a little gift bag to give to the kids when we leave. It is a long drive and I though a new DS game would be nice. Any other ideas for the gift bag? I want to keep them busy but I also have alot of money invested in the DS game so the cheaper the ideas, the better. Thanks!

04-28-2008, 02:42 PM
If you will have a DVD player, Target carries a travel version of the Disney Scene It? game. The pieces are magnetic. It is fun!

Also, many libraries carry books on tape in their children's departments. This might be an option for something that is not a video or video game. And, of course, library check-out is free!

04-28-2008, 02:44 PM
We have bought new DVD's the kids have never seen. Last time we did the Brady Bunch season 1 DVD's and they loved em!

A movie they have never seen works since they see most kids movies either in the theaters or on DVD. But if you can withhold one of those movies for the trip then go for it.

Classic car games work OK but the adults seem to be getting the most out of those. Like the license plate state game or counting McDonald's or something like that.

I made clipboards for the kids to check off the states and find them on a map. These are cheaper than the movies or DS games.


04-28-2008, 02:47 PM
We just got back from our road trip to WDW (23 hrs each way) and we took along our gamecube and plugged it into the video player. Kept DS busy for hours. He also took along a couple of movies.

We played alot of word games along the way. DS also took some 4 hour naps which helpd.

04-28-2008, 02:49 PM
You may have done this already, but if not...

I got plain white envelopes to put tips in for Mousekeeping, and my DD has been decorating them. She'll have ours done before we leave, but it might be something "Disney" related for the kids to do on the drive down.

The DS game is an excellent idea. We don't have a DVD player, but we take my laptop and watch movies on it during the drive.

Something really fun, but I don't know how hard they are to find are "Mad Libs". They are really fun when you get tired and punchy. :D

04-28-2008, 03:14 PM
Have you gone to Disney Magic Artist online? you can dl all kinds of coloring stuff, activites and even stories that include your child... then all you need is some crayons!:mickey:

04-28-2008, 03:16 PM
I forgot to mention that the dollar store usually has Disney coloring books and crayons and other small toys

04-28-2008, 03:30 PM
Besides videos and snacks, I usually make my own bingo/scavneger hunt pages in Word, by pasting putting clip art of things you might see along the way, and the kids cross them off to make 'bingos'.

Also - I bring those color wonder markers & paper or coloring books (the ones that only mark on the special paper and not all over my car).

And the "magic" marker yes/no quiz books, game books and coloring books are big favorites.

04-28-2008, 03:45 PM
When we drove a couple years ago, I drew a map of the southeastern states of US (from Missouri to Florida), and drew in our route. Then I picked out towns each about 30 to 50 miles apart and put them on the map. I gave my daughter a sheet of foil star stickers, and everytime we passed through one of those towns she got to put a star on it. It kept her from asking "how much farther" because she could keep track of our progress. It was also good reading practice because she had to watch and read all the highway signs.

04-28-2008, 05:10 PM
When we drove a couple years ago, I drew a map of the southeastern states of US (from Missouri to Florida), and drew in our route. Then I picked out towns each about 30 to 50 miles apart and put them on the map. I gave my daughter a sheet of foil star stickers, and everytime we passed through one of those towns she got to put a star on it. It kept her from asking "how much farther" because she could keep track of our progress. It was also good reading practice because she had to watch and read all the highway signs.

This is a GREAT idea! I'll definitely use it on our next trip.

homeschool mom
04-28-2008, 07:21 PM
In the past I have put together folders for each of my children with Disney coloring pages, Disney related games, Disney roadtrip booklet..., you get the picture. All things I was able to download. We drive from PA so I have also put together fact sheets on each of the states we pass through. State bird, flower, song, motto, related coloring pages, etc... Depending on the ages of your children, there are all kinds of things available online.
Have a fun trip.