View Full Version : The Real Housewives

03-26-2008, 09:39 PM
Okay, so this is definitely one of my guilty viewing pleasures since TV is so limited here.

I like the Orange Co. crew, but the NY ladies not so much yet. Maybe they will eventually grow on me too.

Anyone else watch these shows?

03-26-2008, 09:45 PM
I've been watching the NY one. I can't understand what makes me watch it, but I do enjoy it for some reason. I like Bethany and the red head, but the blonde with the actress daughter is a little flaky and the other too a bit hoity toity, but it is fun to watch.

03-26-2008, 10:11 PM
I don't watch religiously, but I'll leave it on if I stumble upon it. I like both groups so far, although I haven't seen too much of the NY ladies yet.

Fairy Grandmother
03-27-2008, 01:42 AM
Okay, so this is definitely one of my guilty viewing pleasures since TV is so limited here.

I like the Orange Co. crew, but the NY ladies not so much yet. Maybe they will eventually grow on me too.

Anyone else watch these shows?

OK, I'll admit that I watch. I like the Orange County women. However, I've heard the New York women described as "self-absorbed social climbers" and that they are! I guess I keep watching because I can't believe how they act.

03-27-2008, 07:57 AM
I've seen the show once or twice when DW was watching and I have to say ... I was out in "The O.C." a few weeks back and the woman look remarkably like the ones on this show.

It was actually kinda funny!

03-27-2008, 11:20 AM
Oh, this is kind of like true confession time. :blush:
I have been watching RH/OC for a couple of seasons and even went back and caught the reruns of the first season which I'd missed. It seems to be one of those shows that you watch with your mouth hanging open wondering "What is wrong with these women?"
After seeing the NY version I have come to like the OC group much better.

03-27-2008, 02:16 PM
Oh, this is my guilty pleasure show! I do not like any of the reality TV shows, but this I enjoy! I actually like watching the NYC version. My favorite couple (the one which makes me :rolleyes: the most) is Alex and her winner :rolleyes: of a husband.

03-27-2008, 05:28 PM
This is so funny, here goes my famous stories again.... my next door neighbor is from the Coto area her sister lives near that little blonde Tammi, the one with the big kid who wouldn't move out. She was at the bunko party when they filmed and all of them were drinking the jello shots, lovely. I love Bravo shows. Did y'all see Lauri's wedding? Gorgeous. On the NY side, I can't stand that Ramona chick, she is horrible, super annoying. I think she has a thyroid problem b/c her eyes bug out so bad. Actually these people remind me of a lot of people in Florida, especially on the Miami side. The whole Hamptons thing reminds me of Gatsby. I know of the one lady with the teen daughter b/c her husband has an awesome fabric store (albeit pricy).

03-31-2008, 04:10 PM
I think she has a thyroid problem b/c her eyes bug out so bad.
:funny:Shari I had to get up and leave my desk after this comment! You are too funny!!!

I caught an episode here and there of the OC, but I didn't feel like I knew them or what was going on. So when NY started I watched them. I don't like Ramona, she is out there. I like the rest of them though. Alex and her husband are a little...different. But it's fun to peak in and see the lives of these rich woman.

03-31-2008, 04:52 PM
I really liked the OC show but I just can't seem to get into the NY one.
Every time I turn on the NY show, that lady is on there who has the husband that is a Duke (or some type of royalty) and I can't stand her. She is so rude and condescending.
It seemed like the OC ladies were friendlier, or that even though they were rich they were a bit more normal. If that makes sense! :confused:

03-31-2008, 05:16 PM
I've not seen the NY one but the OC one is kinda funny.

The "new" blond real estate one seems kinda out there. And Viki makes me want to take a nap. but I do really enjoy the show. It's such an odd mishmash of people and values and money.

03-31-2008, 05:54 PM
The more I see of the NY ladies, the more I don't really care for them. The only one that I like is Luann, even though she drives me crazy calling her husband 'the count'.

Alex and her husband are snobs and a bit ridiculous, and can anyone tell me why Bethenny is on this show?

03-31-2008, 08:00 PM
Bethenny is like that Jo on OC that was on who was trying to "figure it all out" I guess. I did watch some of the reruns of this show over the weekend. I like LuAnn, she would be fun to hang out with, but overall I can't stand the snobbery of this show (the NYC ones), like if you don't have a huge amount of money, you can't be their friend. I mean are we all Vanderbilts or Astors on the Titanic, yuck! And how about the lovely shot of the Frenchys in their thongs, OMG.

My friend's sister said that if you want to be on the OC show, the producers were looking for really flamboyant ladies with big boobs and be willing to talk about plastic surgery. They were even scouting for future housewives if anyone dropped out for the next shows.

03-31-2008, 08:32 PM
And how about the lovely shot of the Frenchys

She's not French. She's from Kansas! I love how she thinks she's French though. :rolleyes:

And this leads me to another question - how does she tie in with the other ladies on the show? She doesn't seem to run in the same circles, although we are reminded constantly how she's 'getting there'.

03-31-2008, 09:22 PM
I started watching the housewives last season and the NY gals are growing on me. They are soo dang catty. hehe. :thedolls:

03-31-2008, 11:43 PM
Mel, me and dh call people "Frenchy" that aren't French but like French things (we have neighbors we call Frenchy):D

I really think Ramona has thyroid disease, I have thyroid disease (I'm hypo) and I think she's hyperthyroid (she seems to have symptoms of it, but what do I know). She is so lucky to have such a great daughter. I think she's very pretty, but too bad her mouth is too much:thedolls:

04-01-2008, 11:06 AM
Alex and her husband drive me crazy! As Mel said she's from Kansas and you've got to wonder how in the world she got the accent, will spend big bucks on clothing but has really bad looking teeth and damaged hair........just a great big phoney! I do think from remarks made that some of the others are beginning to see that she's not all what she wants the others to think she is. The remarks about the fact that they vacation in the "off season" at places was interesting.

04-01-2008, 11:38 AM
I too wonder how Bethany fits in on the show. She’s not a housewife. And from the sound of her boyfriend on the last show she might not even be in a relationship for too much longer. I think she was moving too fast anyway, but that’s just me. I still like her though, she seems like the most down to earth one of the bunch.

I think its funny how they make fun of Alex and her sons. “Francois can read this menu in Latin!” haha! I think it’s cool that they are teaching their kids other languages, but they brag about it too much. It’s like they are doing it more for bragging rights rather then for the kids education.

Ramona’s daughter is going to grow up to hate her, I can see it now.

04-01-2008, 10:18 PM
I like the CA ones MUCH better. The NYC crowd is SO pretentious! Of course, that does make for interesting tv when we are bored.....

I agree about Bethenny.....she is a head case, I believe. I have never seen a woman with such a square jaw either! YIKES.

Ramona looks like trailer trash! You'd think if she has that much money, someone would do something with her hair and makeup!

Alex and her husband are joined at the hip and obsessive and too self-absorbed.

I can't stand how LuAnn calls her own husband the Count either....puh-leeze...

04-03-2008, 11:30 AM
Okay, so this is definitely one of my guilty viewing pleasures since TV is so limited here.

I like the Orange Co. crew, but the NY ladies not so much yet. Maybe they will eventually grow on me too.

Anyone else watch these shows?

Yes I do watch them both. Love the OC girls the best. The NY ones are.....

OK, I'll admit that I watch. I like the Orange County women. However, I've heard the New York women described as "self-absorbed social climbers" and that they are!

Agree totally!

It seemed like the OC ladies were friendlier, or that even though they were rich they were a bit more normal. If that makes sense! :confused:


The more I see of the NY ladies, the more I don't really care for them. The only one that I like is Luann, even though she drives me crazy calling her husband 'the count'.

Alex and her husband are snobs and a bit ridiculous, and can anyone tell me why Bethenny is on this show?

Same here. Can't hardly stand to watch (even though I do faithfully :secret:)

Alex and her husband drive me crazy! As Mel said she's from Kansas and you've got to wonder how in the world she got the accent, will spend big bucks on clothing but has really bad looking teeth and damaged hair........just a great big phoney! I do think from remarks made that some of the others are beginning to see that she's not all what she wants the others to think she is. The remarks about the fact that they vacation in the "off season" at places was interesting.

Yep; they drive me crazy too. Can't stand them. The vacation remark was interesting.

I like the CA ones MUCH better. The NYC crowd is SO pretentious! Of course, that does make for interesting tv when we are bored.....

I agree about Bethenny.....she is a head case, I believe. I have never seen a woman with such a square jaw either! YIKES.

Ramona looks like trailer trash! You'd think if she has that much money, someone would do something with her hair and makeup!

Alex and her husband are joined at the hip and obsessive and too self-absorbed.

I can't stand how LuAnn calls her own husband the Count either....puh-leeze...


I am so glad I stumbled upon this link. I have been trying to describe these women to my husband but he doesnt get it. He's from NY too (and his family still lives there) so I am trying to say it delicately :blush:. I will print some of these to let him read them.

I like the OC women much more than these snobby NY women.

04-03-2008, 03:28 PM
I agree that I like the women from the OC version way better. However, I do DVR the new episode every week and I watch it when nothing else is on. :secret:

Out of the NY ladies, I like Jill the best. She seems to be the most down to earth out of the bunch and she's not even all that down to earth!

I have similar thoughts as everyone else on the rest of the women. Ramona really rubs me the wrong the way for some reason, and I don't know what's going on with Alex's hair, but to each his own!!

04-04-2008, 11:45 AM
I don't know what's going on with Alex's hair, but to each his own!!

That is soo funny you said that because her hair drives me nuts. I was just saying that to a co worker. hehe. Also is it just me or is Bethany always drunk?? If she says "if we're not all in then what are we doing" one more time I may have to poke myself in the eye.
I can't wait until next Tuesday to see what further drama unfolds. woo hoo:D

04-04-2008, 12:02 PM
I have to admit that the OC ladies were the ones I wanted to be when I "grow up." They were rich, had pretty much great kids, and were still realist. Yeah, they tended to spend like the rich, but still, like Vicki, knew how to vacation on the lake and just let it all go like regular folks.

I hadn't watched the NY women and really hadn't given them any thought until reading thru this post. So I watched what I could and had to turn it off. I saw and figured out who Bethanny was & oh yes, she's going to be on the market again soon. I don't know who the couple was looking at schools for their kid/kids but I just wanted to :ack:. And to see how the school administrator doted over them :ack::ack:. But oh yeah, the school was nice.

I know some OC type rich housewives and I know some richer than a couple of those NY type who actually live in NY. They don't even like how they've been portrayed on television by the NY women. They just seem so fake, look-at-me-pretend-to-be-better-than-you types.

I'll probably watch some more of the new season, but look forward to some better real housewives.

04-08-2008, 05:48 PM
Okay, so this is definitely one of my guilty viewing pleasures since TV is so limited here.

I like the Orange Co. crew, but the NY ladies not so much yet. Maybe they will eventually grow on me too.

Anyone else watch these shows?

Me too Mel. I love the Orange Co. ladies much better. The NY ladies haven't grown on me. Alex and her husband are ridiculous to me!!

04-09-2008, 02:55 PM
Don't get me wrong as I'm not in any way a fan of Ramona, but didn't you find it interesting that all of the other women were saying the same things about Alex and her husband behind their backs but when Ramona voiced her opinion to them all of a sudden she became the evil one. Oh, take that back, change evil one to "classless".:D I don't think this bunch would know class if they were hit in the face with it!
BTW, how about the mess that Alex and her family live in? Once again their judgement on how to spend money amazes me.

04-16-2008, 01:57 PM
I didn't catch the finale. Did anyone else catch it?

04-16-2008, 02:06 PM
I'm playing reality post catchup today LOL! I watched. All I can say is Ramona would seriously say something every few minutes that would drive me nuts, I kind of feel sorry for people like her. I mean editing on these shows goes on, but not so much on this chick. And the whole Alex and her deal, what is that about? I cracked up, b/c Bethenny said it all when she said how those kids need to learn manners before all the other crud! I hate to tell her, but she has normal, cute kids.

I was appalled by the behavior at the racetrack, that was all very bad and racist to me. Even with transplants coming into the South, we wouldn't tolerate that here.

04-29-2008, 08:46 AM
Just finishing up watching the finale right now. These women are something else! The way Bethenny talked to Jill at her birthday dinner was just, wow. :shake: Not sure I'd be able to get over that. And I think Alex is more pathetic than ever.

The reunion show looks very good, in a train wreck kind of way. Did anyone see it?

05-01-2008, 08:54 PM
I finally was able to see the finale and the re cap show. WOW. It;s like a train wreck you just can't look away from. Alex and her husband... they just creep me out. I googled her pictures and EWW!!! It looks like they will have a season 2, that will be good :thedolls:

anyone else catch the end??

The part where they went to the racetrack for Bethanny's b day reminded me of the Soprano's how their lives were so rich and beautiful yet they still had a truly gritty moment. That was also creepy, those men.

Happy viewing!!

05-06-2008, 07:05 AM
Finally saw the reunion show tonight. Wow. Alex and Simon are pitiful, and I'm so glad all the other women totally called them on it. Like Bethenny said, just own it and we'll like you better for it. But no, they got a bad edit and aren't like that at all. :rolleyes:

Ramona and Jill - what a love/hate relationship they have! That's fun to watch. :D

07-31-2008, 08:01 AM

08-01-2008, 11:17 AM

I just saw the preview for the Atlanta show yesterday. I'm not quite sure what Bravo was thinking, it most certainly does not look like they are putting these women in a very good light.

08-08-2008, 08:05 PM
I just googled this when I saw Atlanta. I am laughing so hard! These women live in neighborhoods near me, in Duluth and Alpharetta, which are all the new money, sports people. Darn, I was hoping Buckhead, but it looks like it might be a bunch of Alex's on there. And the divorced ones are going to be really annoying, all they want is the next man.

08-10-2008, 09:33 PM
I tried to tivo the Atlanta show. I'll try again, it didn't come up. When is it/ was it on?? Thanks!!