View Full Version : room locations at pop

03-11-2008, 04:33 PM
does anyone know how the room numbers go at pop century ? :mickey: Just needed to know i have a map of Pop but i dont know which direction the room numbers go, i need that when i fax a room request for my special needs family.

03-11-2008, 05:15 PM
....difficult to say what "direction" the room numbers run (left to right....front to back), but, if you have the resort map, the second digit of the building number room "range" gives you the floor that the room is on.

Example: In the 60's buildings, Building A room numbers run from 4101 thru 4478....so, for example, room # 4232...is on the 2nd.......4405...is on the 4th floor....etc.

We once were in Building A...1st floor...corner room...right as you would turn the corner to walk past the Playdoh Can towards the "stem" of the "T"...and I could swear we were room 4101 (But DON'T QUOTE ME...it was two years ago and I can't remember what I had for breakfast today!!) :funny:

PS: Personal preference here...but I love the 1st floor poolside rooms.