View Full Version : Miley Cyrus has Officially Invaded Every Generation!

03-04-2008, 03:58 PM
This past weekend I was out at the bar. Just to set the scene, this is a bar frequented by mid to lower middle class 20 somethings who generally prefer alt rock music. A Miley Cyrus song, "See You Again" came on by Request. All of these people started freaking out. I was shocked to see how many people were singing along to this song! Then today I'm making the rounds on Myspace and was surprised to see 3 of my friends had this as their profile song. I know Miley/Hannah Montana is everywhere with little girls, tweens, and their parents, and there hasn't been this big of a craze since the boy band epidemic a decade ago, but I can't believe she has now conquered the bar/club crowd! LOL! And I have to admit... the song IS pretty catchy.... oh no...

03-04-2008, 04:47 PM
Oh no, it's catching you too! :D

I took my best friend's girls to the movie a couple weeks ago and the lady next to me leaned over and asked if I was the fan or my girls. I have to admit I like her music and her show. I'm 33, no kids, so it's kinda weird, but I'm a freak about all things Disney. I use my best friend's girls as a cover! ;)

03-04-2008, 05:22 PM
I heard that song (See you again) in the car a few days ago and thought it was an alright song, pretty catchy and all. It wasn't until the end of the song that I realized it was MIley. Sure enough, I asked my boys (ages 8 and 6) and they said it was her. I just hope that she can stay grounded. I'd really hate to see her end up like some other pop princesses who have recently gone crazy.

03-05-2008, 12:04 PM
Yeah i like the song, but i think im in the age group its targeted at. Also, i was at Wal-Mart yesterday and everywhere you turned it was Hannah Hannah Hannah! I told my mom they should change the name of the store to Hannah-Mart:mickey:

03-05-2008, 12:40 PM
Imagine the popularity she might gain if people weren't so hung up on "what they're supposed to like" , or being cool, or protecting their image.

On the flip side, I'll bet we can all think of people who gained much more popularity than they probably deserved because it was cool, or trendy, to like them.

03-05-2008, 01:28 PM
Well, that's great but I'm pretty sure- no, I'm positive- that she has not invaded my age group at all. I couldn't even tell you what she sings. None of my friends could tell you. Only a few of them have actually heard of her, and those are only the older ones with grandkids.

03-05-2008, 02:29 PM
I'm positive- that she has not invaded my age group at all. I couldn't even tell you what she sings. None of my friends could tell you. Only a few of them have actually heard of her, and those are only the older ones with grandkids.

I'm not sure which age group you are the spokesperson for, but I'm definitely have grandkids (ok, just 1) and I know who she is, and can identify some of her songs. :thumbsup:

03-05-2008, 03:02 PM
I'm not sure which age group you are the spokesperson for, but I'm definitely have grandkids (ok, just 1) and I know who she is, and can identify some of her songs. :thumbsup:

Yes, Marker, I'm a spokeswoman for an entire generation. I'm THAT important. Thanks. That made my day. :)

Yes, you may know who she is but has she actually "invaded your generation?" Do your friends enjoy listening to and watching Miley?
That would be a little weird for me.

My friends (ages 40-60) with older kids are not even aware of her, as far as I know. She hasn't invaded us yet. Even my teens and all of their friends can't stand her (but yes, they do know who she is). She's never on the radio in my area, at least not the stations I listen to. But my nieces adore her (middle school). As far as invading every generation, I would have to say that I seriously doubt it. That doesn't mean every generation is not aware of her existence across the board, no. I guess I had a different definition of invading a generation in mind than you.

03-05-2008, 03:18 PM
I have recently started hearing that song on our major radio station and I have to admit, I really like it. It is catchy and I have started singing along :blush:
I agree that I hope she stays on a good track and doesn't end up in a nervous/mental breakdown in 10 years. But in comparison, her family seems pretty wholesome and grounded.

03-05-2008, 04:35 PM
By using the term "invaded" I did not necessarily mean that every age group has become die hard fans. I look at it like this- little kids love her. Tweens love her. Their parents and grandparents have to buy the music/take them to shows and movies/watch TV with them etc so even if they aren't fans, they know who she is and would probably recognize a song or two, and I know just from reading Intercot that many are fans themselves, and now her songs are being recognized by 20 somethings and early 30s at BARS and getting played on top 40 radio. So maybe It isn't a literal invasion of every generation, but her appeal seems to span pretty darn far across the generation divide, which is all I was getting at.

04-13-2008, 08:30 PM
I'm in my 30's and I happen to like Miley Cyrus! I love her song, "See you again" - it's really got a great beat to it. My best friend and I both watch Hannah Montana too. :D

04-13-2008, 09:36 PM
Hello. My name is Kathie. I am 37 and I love Hannah Montana/Mylie Cyrus!:mickey: