View Full Version : Stress

02-28-2008, 05:02 PM
Does any of our medical personnel out there know if being under SERIOUS stress can cause nose bleeds??
I've been getting them alot lately and went to my doc about a month ago he said he thought it was just from the dry air but I have noticed in the last few days that it is bleeding a lot. I have been under tremendous stress lately and my face hurts and my nose bleeds.
What, if anything can I do about this??
PS I don't forsee the stress lessening anytime soon:(

Any thoughts???

mouseketeer mom
02-28-2008, 05:49 PM
Sounds like you could have a sinus infection! Get to the MD!

02-28-2008, 05:54 PM
I should clarify. my face ( just the right side near the nose) only starts to hurt just before my nose starts bleeding and it hurts for about an hour after it stops.
It is not an all day pain.

Yesterday I was on the phone with my priest talking to him about what was going on and my nose just started bleeding like crazy, lasted about 30 minutes, stopped and my face hurt for about an hour.
Same thing happened today. twice.

02-28-2008, 05:55 PM
Here is my opionon...

Stress causes your blood pressure to rise. This causes a lot of pressure on the small little capillaries (the smallest blood vessels in the body) all over your body. I do find it possible that this can cause the little capillaries to burst and bleed. This might not be the only problem: the dry air is probably a major culprit. Put some things together and it can be worse.

I would get some nasal spray of just saline. It might make it tender for a bit, since its essentially sterile salt water. This can help bring moisture to the nasal passages and sinuses.

I would try this and attempt to find moments to yourself, possibly reading a book in bed, taking a bath, listening to calm music, meditation, anything you can to reduce your stress. Even looking at Disney pictures can reduce your stress, I believe!

If this does not work, and you are still in pain in a few days, I would call the doctor again.

Here's some :pixie: for you. Hope you can find a way to de-stress soon.

02-28-2008, 05:58 PM
A. Have your blood pressure checked

B. Have your doctor check for a sinus infection

C. Have you ever had your nose broken. EVERYONE I know of who have had their noses broken seems to have this bleeding problem.

02-28-2008, 05:59 PM
I am not a medical professional but since stress can impact a person's blood pressure I would imagine that it could contribute to nose bleeds. However, just putting simple logic to it I would also bet that you have something else like a sinus infection or dry nasal passages going on as well. Have you tried running a humidifier at home to get extra moisture in the air?

02-28-2008, 08:38 PM
I get major nose bleeds as soon as I get nervous or stressed out. I've been dealing with some major stress at our church/school so I am having them all the time.
We had a joke that I was going to have to wear red for my wedding day, becuase I would be so nervous walking down the aisle my nose would bleed.
I'm sure it's tied to blood pressure. and I dont know of any way to control it.

02-28-2008, 09:18 PM
Stress can cause a lot of problems so try to work on destressing. (like that's easy) I agree that it can cause your b/p to rise and lead to nose bleeds. Do have it checked. Maybe w/ the combination of the dry air and a slight increase in your pressure can cause it-- it may not be "clinically" high but high enough to make a change in your nose. Those membranes are quite thin.
With the pain I would wonder if you don't have an infection and I've seen some w/ a little staph too.
I agree get it checked.
Now to treat the stress... take care of yourself. try to write down your worries b/c this often helps you from having it go over and over in your mind and helps you get rest. SLEEP is so important b/c your corticosteroids decrease w/ a lack of sleep and cause those minor aches and pains and those prone to arthritis can really have problems. :( Your body heals when it's sleeping.
Rx: be good to yourself b/c if you aren't taking care of yourself you can't help your family. Do something nice like a long hot bath or a favorite activity-- maybe a nice comedy , something to give your mind a little rest. :pixie:

02-29-2008, 12:55 AM
I'd get a blood pressure cuff and check your blood pressure throughout the day and check it every time this occurs.

Also if it's dry air.....get a humidifier. This will help.

02-29-2008, 03:02 PM
I agree that you should get your blood pressure checked. I also agree with whoever suggested saline spray. Try using it a few times a day. Try to stay out of the cold as much as possible. A small humidifier really helps me. We have one on our furnace, but I've also got a small one next to the bed.

As for ways to control BP, pamper yourself, and try cutting back on caffeine.

I've had several extensive sinus surgeries, and I know that dry air (and cold air) give me a great deal of pain. I've also had nose bleed issues for a long time.

Good luck!

03-01-2008, 06:30 PM
If the post about caffeine is correct, you do drink a LOT of diet coke. Try the saline spray and call Dr Q. if it keeps up.

03-02-2008, 12:07 PM
I have already switched to caffiene free diet coke. I started using the saline spray. I have an appointment for a physical on Tuesday.
But, I'm still getting nose bleeds. I still am so stressed out that it takes every ounce of strength to not cry. I just want our life back