View Full Version : Gimme your best tips for infant!!!!

01-29-2008, 12:04 PM
We will be going in May with a Grand Gathering, and since we first took DD when she was 5, we're not familiar with taking an infant to WDW. SIL and her DH will have DS4 and DS 8 months when we go. What are your most important, life saving, keep the peace in the family, make life easier, time saving tips for doing Disney with an 8 month old? FYI, he is very good natured baby, but I'm worried more about his mother!!!!

01-29-2008, 12:25 PM
We took our DD when she was 9 months old and didn't have much troubles. Make sure you have her stroller that she can lay down in, the ones you rent are not made for infants. If you SI is wanting to do the bigger rides you can use rider swap so no one gets left out. There are baby stations which have high chairs, change tables, rocking chairs ect if baby needs a break and they are all comfortable and air conditioned. And bring along snack like cherrios ect that the baby can nibble on. We found when awake our DD was so intranced with all the colors and people that she was very happy riding in her stroller and looking around.

01-29-2008, 12:26 PM
My tip: Just because you are a Grand Gathering, not everyone has to be tied at the hip all the time. Give everyone (esp mom and infant) permission to do what they want/need when they want/need. Make plans to meet up for dinner or breakfast and have a general plan for the day but let people know that if they want to divert that is ok (preferrable than having "grumpy" along with the group)

01-29-2008, 12:55 PM
I did Disney, mind you, many years ago with a 5 month old and a 4 yr old. One of the biggest lifesavers was of all things, ziploc bags lol! Amazing what they can do/hold!

Take a few facecloths every morning, wet them down and stick in a zippie for the parks! They are the best thing for any sunscreen in eyes, hot bodies etc. Soak them down more and stick under a hat if you have a cranky hot baby, pre-schooler, et. It will make them feel instantly better. Throw change of clothes in a zippie..then when you need to change due to accident, etc, toss the dirty stuff in the bag and it won't mess up anything in diaper bag.

Bring an extra baby spoon and sippy cup...I know from first hand experience that if you lose the spoon, it is a hard thing to buy at Disney!

Do not schedule a character meal for the first 24 to 48 hours until the little ones are used to seeing the characters around the parks. It will cut down on potential character anxiety and you will be less likely to be standing outside the restaurant with a crying child while everyone else finishes their meal.

Offer to take baby and the 4yr old one evening so that Mom and Dad can have some adult time to ride rides or go to dinner. Even if it is for a couple of hours, it will be a nice break for Mom and she will be less likely to be stressed out!

And most importantly, anything that is necessary for the baby to go to sleep such as a special animal,blanket, etc should be carried on the plane...the last thing you ever want is lost luggage with the "all important blankie, stuffed animal" inside it. Bedtime would be miserable for all involved!


01-29-2008, 01:34 PM
My tip: Just because you are a Grand Gathering, not everyone has to be tied at the hip all the time. Give everyone (esp mom and infant) permission to do what they want/need when they want/need. Make plans to meet up for dinner or breakfast and have a general plan for the day but let people know that if they want to divert that is ok (preferrable than having "grumpy" along with the group)

Funny! Because SIL is the one who we want to avoid (she's the mom!) and even funnier still is that her favorite Disney character is "Grumpy" and that's her personality! Well, since there's no character known as "Crazy off the wall run away and pout screaming person!" :funny:

01-29-2008, 01:58 PM
Our baby was 5 mo when we went and the amount of spit up he was producing in the heat was CRAZY. And gross. Bring lots of rags to wash up.

Be flexible we some meals... I find that my two little people can't or aren't or won't eat at scheduled meal times while on vacation.

Oooh... I like the idea of giving mom and dad a night together.

Really, I think at 8 months babies are so transportable. Just don't forget what they use on a daily basis.

01-29-2008, 02:04 PM
Tell her to bring a stroller with a food tray attached (i.e. not just a plain umbrella stroller). That way, baby can snack while you walk, or play with a toy, bang hands on it...etc... Also, there is a great product called a "no throw." It straps either a bottle or a sippy cup to whatever seat the baby is sitting in (high chair, stroller, bouncer, whatever) so that if the baby throws the cup, it won't land on the ground. They have a website nothrow dot com. It's about $10, and the best thing I ever bought when my DS was a baby. Just not having to keep stopping and picking up his cup, and not having to worry about the germs when it hit the ground gave me peace of mind.