View Full Version : I'm really scared and could use some prayers and pixie dust please

11-10-2007, 01:03 AM
I just got back from the emergency room where I've spent the last 12 hours. I went because I've had shortness of breath and chest pains. I was hitched up to an ekg the whole time and had x-rays blood work and finally a cat scan. Nothing they did could tell them why I've been having these problems. Now here comes the really scarey part on the cat scan they found a nodule on my lung. I'm so scared right now I can't see straight ,:cryingmy dad died of lung cancer and I used to smoke. They aren't saying it's cancer but they do want me to follow up again in 3 months with another cat scan. I'm out of my mind right now I have 2 little boys that need me one has his own health issues and is only 4 years old and my other son is only 4 months old. I'm so afraid of not being able to see them grow up. :sob:I could sure use all the prayers and pixie dust you can send my way that it's a nothing to worry about nodule. To my sisters I hope I can get to tell you this before you see it here.:crying:

11-10-2007, 02:51 AM
:hug: :pixie::pixie::pixie: Keep us updated and see your regular physician soon.

11-10-2007, 06:30 AM

Miracle working prayers on the way!! And I agree with the PP, I would get in to see your regular physician soon. I don't think you need to wait 3 months and be scared like that!!! :hug:

11-10-2007, 06:47 AM
Sending some prayers :hands:and Disney Magic:pixie: your way....Don't wait if you are that scared...go get seen by your doctor!:hug:

11-10-2007, 07:30 AM
I will thinking and praying for you....hoping for good news, as well as a smooth recovery of your illness.

SOB and CP...hhhhmmmm ---- do you ever get anxiety attacks? Did they say it could possibly be gastric related?

My first instinct is that if it was something serious, they wouldn't tell you to wait 3 months to follow up...they would send you to a specialist of some sort.

But - go to your PP anyhow. Tell him/her your concerns, and see where it goes from there.

Like I said --- I'll be praying for you, and I wish the best for you. I'll be thinking of you.....

11-10-2007, 07:53 AM
:pixie::pixie::pixie:and prayers being sent your way.

11-10-2007, 08:15 AM
they told me when I left the ER to follow up with my regular dr this coming week. Thank you all for your prayers I'm hoping that and the pixie dust will do their magic. I'm hoping that it end up as nothing but I'm not known for having very good luck. Please keep the prayers coming I'm hoping they will work so I can be here to watch my boys grow up and be able to kiss their boo-boo's along the way.:(

11-10-2007, 08:16 AM
Coreen, I'm sending as many prayers and as much :pixie::pixie::pixie::pixie: magic your way as possible... I know exactly how you feel right now. When my DD's were barely one and 4, I had a scare similar to yours, and I spend many sleepless nights, wondering if I'd see them grow up, worrying, etc. Turns out everything was fine, but still - those days were some of the worst I can remember. Please make sure you go see your family doctor and have this followed up on ASAP - not b/c I'm concerned it could be serious, but b/c I'd hate to have you feeling this frightened for the next 3 months. Good luck to you - you'll be in my thoughts and prayers. :angel:

11-10-2007, 08:42 AM
Lots of prayers and :pixie: for you! Keep us updated.

11-10-2007, 09:35 AM
I know it is practically impossible not to freak out right now. But try to stay calm and don't think the worst until a doctor tells you something concrete. My daughter was only 15 months old when I was diagnosed with cancer. So I know all about the things that a running through your mind right now and I am so sorry that you have to go through all of this. Hopefully this will turn out to be nothing, but if it is something you have to deal with, you will surprise yourself with all the strength you will find in yourself. Sending you boat loads of :pixie: that it is nothing. I hope you can get into your doctor quickly and get some real answers. Best of luck to you. :pixie:

11-10-2007, 09:54 AM
You're in my thoughts. Think positive.

11-10-2007, 10:04 AM
Here's :pixie: for you!

I would request to be seen by a pulmonologist (lung dr) if you can. Since they are very specialized, they can help you out best at this point.

No matter what the dr's say, get a second opinion. I tell all my patients that with any news that affects their life, whether it be for the good or the bad. A second set of eyes and ears can do wonders. People are human, things will get missed. I just don't want them missed on me or my family. So, I highly suggest a second opinion, no matter what diagnosis you are given, just to be on the safe side.

I do not know what it is like to have such a large thing to weigh on my heart and mind, but I have known people to go through that, and the drive to see those babies grow to be big boys and girls, seems to be something that helps fight ANYTHING, no matter what it is.

:pixie: for you, your family, medical staff, and YOUR NERVES!!!

11-10-2007, 10:18 AM
Best Wishes and I would absolutely follow up with your own physician. My thinking on this would be that if they even suspected it was cancer that would have told you to follow up sooner than 3 months. It's probaby just something that they need to keep an eye on to make sure it isn't anything.

You had mentioned you had little ones...Let me tell you what happened to me about 3 weeks ago. I was having terrible chest pain and shortness of breath for a few days.. I finally got the courage to see my Dr. She did an ekg which came out fine. It ended up being I pulled my chest muscles...I have a 4 year old who's about 40 pounds who I still pick up regularly. Picking him up I pulled out muscles in my chest. On top of that I happen to get panic attacks so in the mist of thinking I was having a heart attack I had an anxiety attack which made the pain worse.

Good Luck

11-10-2007, 10:34 AM
You and your kidos are in my thoughts and prayers.

11-10-2007, 10:45 AM
Lots of :pixie::pixie::pixie: and prayers for you and your family.

Please see your own doctor as soon as possible. I had the same thing happen a couple of years ago. I went in to the hospital with what ended up being vertigo and ended up with 6 months of tests due to a mass on my cat in my head. It ended up being some scaring from a car accident 20 yrs ago.

11-10-2007, 10:51 AM
Coreen honey, you are in my prayers too. I am just praying that the peace of the Lord would be upon you and that if something is wrong you will get healed up in a jiffy. There are many different reasons why something can show up on those scans. Consider yourself hugged, sweetie.

11-10-2007, 10:56 AM
:hug: :pixie::pixie::pixie::pixie: I hope that your guardian :angel: gives you good health and a lifetime to spend with your children.

Sean Riley Taylor's Mom
11-10-2007, 11:08 AM
Lots of good thoughts, prayers and :pixie: for you!!

11-10-2007, 12:52 PM
Sending you thousands of prayers and :pixie::pixie::pixie: I only wish I could do more

Here we go again...
11-10-2007, 01:01 PM
You are in my prayers. I can not even imagine what you are going through right now... I am sure I would be as scared as you are.

Try to keep a positive attitude. I know it is hard, but watching my father battle many different cancers over the last 4 years has made me realize that you have to find a happy place to keep you strong.
Whether your happy place is with the church, family, friends, or even here with your Disney family, you need someone to help you stay positive.

There are many of our own members that have been through some of the same emotional roller coasters you are going through.

I don't know if you know John, HndrdPrcnt, but you might want to find one of his posts and visit his homepage. I have been reading along with him since his first doctors visit and I remember the same post from him. His homepage is very inspirational and you may find it helpful.

Keep us posted!

11-10-2007, 04:12 PM
Loads of :pixie: on the way! Please let us know what your regular doctor has to say... :pixie:

11-10-2007, 08:43 PM
Coreen, I am lifting you in prayer as I type this. I pray that this nodule ends up being nothing to worry about. 2 years ago I ended up in the cardiac unit with bilateral pulmonary embolisms (blood clots in both lungs). I too was so very scared that I would not be around for my 3 beautiful children. I am now healthy and have learned to enjoy every moment that God gives me. Although I admit that I still have some issues with panic attacks from this. I know how hard it is to bring yourself back into control when all you can think of is the worst. TRY to focus on the positives right now. I pray that God helps you through this and brings you comfort. Here is a virtual hug :hug:

Please keep us updated!

11-11-2007, 07:07 AM
I'm sending you loads of :pixie: straight from the magical place itself. Keep us updated. I'll be thinking of you.

11-11-2007, 11:10 AM

11-11-2007, 11:22 AM
Coreen, first of all, here's some :pixie:

Over the years in dealing with health crises, I've learned (the hard way) not to build bridges until I come to the river. When faced with uncertainty, you can panic or you can arm yourself with faith, support and the BEST medical care you can find in your area. You obviously will be following up with your primary doctor this week and should most certainly ask for follow-up care by a specialist.

You are in the thoughts and prayers of your INTERCOT family. :hug:

This saying has gotten me through my own crises, so I'll share it with you:

"Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles;
it empties today of its strength."

So, with more :pixie: and more :hug: go out there, be strong and do what you must do (which is so much easier said than done sometimes) to get through this.

11-11-2007, 05:15 PM
Thank you everyone. I know I'm in a panic right now and I think it's mostly being scared of the unknown. I think that when I see my regular doctor he will hopefully be able to give me more information. I know that radiologists see cancer all the time so my feeling is ,is that he should have had a feeling on if it were cancer or not. I mean come on if they could tell by looking at my dog's ultrasound that she had cancer they should be able to at least be able to tell me if they suspect right. I hate feeling scared and I know that if it is bad news I'll still be scared but at least I'll know what I have to fight. Some one has said something about pulled muscles in the chest I know that's not what is causing the pain and shortness of breath because I did that a few years ago and it's a whole different feeling. I said to my sister payroll princess yesterday that it was our dad causing it so I would go to the hospital to get checked out. I'll let you know what my doctor says this week. You ever notice though when something like this happens that's all you hear about. At church the priest was talking about heaven and having your life in order then after leaving church twice on the radio they had a commercial on about a cancer hospital. It's kind of like come on I'm scared enough as it is give me a break. Thanks again everyone and I'll keep you posted.

11-12-2007, 12:27 PM
I think going to the dr. is going to be the best thing for you and in most cases these things are just scary and turn out to be nothing. Anyone who has had cancer or had a family member suffer with it can totally understand your fear. I'm going for a scan of a nodule that I've had for over six months that keeps growing, I didn't have kids the first time I had my surgery ten years ago and now that's all I think about. Ellen and Donna said some wonderful things that might be good to print out and keep around you. Ellen's advice is always so wonderful in these kinds of situations, it's helped me I know. One day when I was really nervewracked, I passed one of those church bulletin boards that said "If He leads you to it, He will lead you through it" --Great words!!

11-12-2007, 12:37 PM
Here are some more prayers and pixie dust coming your way!! Good luck with everything and keep us posted!!!

11-14-2007, 08:52 PM
Well I went and saw my regular doctor to see what he had to say. I guess there are 2 nodules not 1 they are both pretty small under 1cm each. He doesn't know why I'm having the breathing issues and chest pain so I'm getting sent for a stress test. I told him to just hitch me up to the machines and make me spend time with the in laws and I'd have the machine jumping threw the roof. I guess they found some other stuff with the cat scan that I need to check out and to watch out for. He said with a cat scan you almost always find something. So I guess now it's onto an ultrasound and a stress test. I'm still worried about the nodules but atleast I know they are small and I'll be praying they stay that way. I know I was really freaked out but I just needed to get more information. Thank you everyone for your prayers and pixie dust the strength you've lent me have helped enormously.

11-14-2007, 08:59 PM
:tink::tink::tink:lots of love, prayers, and pixie dust coming your way.

11-15-2007, 06:14 AM
Prayers and :pixie::pixie::pixie::pixie:on the way.

11-15-2007, 08:34 AM
Here's some prayer and :pixie: for you. I'm hoping that it's nothing life-threatening. It's so much better to find out, though. At least that way, you're better prepared. :pixie:

11-15-2007, 09:45 AM
We will be praying for you! Please try to keep positive. I know that it is so hard, but good thoughts will help! Keep us posted.

11-16-2007, 09:33 AM
Coreen, just remember most nodules are not malignant and most people have them at some time or another, especially as we get older. I will continue prayers for you. I know it's tough, I told you I have one that will be a year older when I go to my scans again and I still get nervous, but just keep positive about it.

11-16-2007, 11:39 AM
Shari, When are you going for your scan? I'll keep you in my prayers that it will turn out to be nothing. Sending you a whole lot of:pixie::pixie:. Please keep us informed about how it goes. These things are scarey because not knowing what is going on is usually worse than knowing. My doctor said the same thing about them usually being nothing but considering how I was stupid in my youth and smoked we can't rule out cancer. Right now I'm just going to take it 1 doctors appointment at time.

11-16-2007, 11:59 AM
:pixie::pixie: That is certainly anxiety producing. I hope everything turns out okay for you. Please let us know how things are going for you.

11-16-2007, 12:30 PM
:pixie: and :hug: coming your way. Praying that all works out fine!

11-16-2007, 03:07 PM
April I will be getting my scan and thanks!!

Please don't beat yourself up over smoking. Look at George Burns, he smoked like a chimney into his 90's!! The important thing is you aren't now and your body regenerates itself every few years.

11-16-2007, 07:12 PM
You're in my thoughts and prayers.

11-16-2007, 07:17 PM
Coreen, you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. I'm glad that your primary doc gave you more insight. You will get through this and I was glad to see that you haven't lost your sense of humor! :hug:

Here's some more :pixie: for you! Hang in there!

11-16-2007, 11:49 PM
As I told you last week, the power of positive thinking can get you through just about anything. I know you'll be fine and out live me by many years!
Oh and did I tell you I invited your in-laws for Thanksgiving? Just kidding?