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View Full Version : Trading 2 Ts to 1 signature meal

09-19-2007, 05:04 PM
Do you get the appetizer even in 2008 I know you don't for normal TS, but it doesn't say about Sign. I can't feel this is a deal if you don't. I'm so intrigued by everyone's reviews of these places, especially Cali Grill-during wishes. Would you recommend doing the trade? And to which place?

Here's my ADRs:

50's Prime time (won't give up-- DBF's favorite)
Coral reef
Le Cellier
Boma (won't give up, my fav!)
LTT for lunch (definately would be one of the ones I'd give up)

I've tried 50s, Coral, and Boma. All the other ones are new experiences. I love seafood, and am very adventurous. when it comes to food- so is DBF.


09-19-2007, 05:09 PM
PS, it is our anniversary so I do want to do something special. At the same time, we're young and don't have "real" salaries yet, so if we're losing money on the DDP, we're rather not and wait for our planned trip in a few years when we're going all out!! :party: :party: :party:

09-19-2007, 09:03 PM
we used 2TS for 1 dinner in 05 and really enjoyed our meals. In O6 we used all single TS and left feeling like all we did was eat.
I enjoy indulging in a Signature meal because you get variety, feel it's extra special and it helps spread the food out over the course of the trip.
I would do it again.
Regardless of the lack of appetizer ( I skimmed the 08 but aren't sure) It is so much food anyway, I wouldn't miss the lack of an appetizer b/c I rarely if ever had room for desert.
Follow your dreams- It's a disney vacation.

09-19-2007, 09:32 PM
It's not the lack of food, but the price comparision. I just don't want to lose money, I know I'm saving little with the new plan ($40-60) so I don't want to just break even.

09-20-2007, 10:11 PM
I love Cali Grill and feel like it is worth any extra. We shared the cheese plate appetizer and I think it would be worth paying extra for. We also loved the fois gras appetizer. The food is great and the view is nice. In my opinion watching wishes is much better in the park, I go for the food. If you are on a budget, try Le Cellier. It is wonderful and is only 1 T. In my opinion the meal plan is iffy in 2008. Not sure what best value is.

09-21-2007, 10:34 AM
We are going to try Le Cellier! I'm so excited. We're not big cheese people and I don't eat Foie Gras :ack: for ethical reasons [brainwashed in college :secret:] so maybe Cali. Grill isn't the place for us.

I know the 2008 plan isn't great, but Disney has gotten me used to convience of it. Plus I did crunch the numbers and we save like $40-60, which to me is better than nothing!

09-21-2007, 01:57 PM
I just did some rough #'s and I still think you could come out ahead. For Example our bill @ Coral Reef averaged 71.50 per person. Even if you take out 20% for tip and 7 for an appetizer you are spending near 50 per person and it's 39 a day and you still have lunch and a snack.
It's the Buffet meals where I think Disney makes out ahead (not that there isn't a profit in all) But something you can pay OOP for 22-29 per person you are about breaking even on those days.
If you compared Cali Grill to Two Boma or CP you are breaking even.
Coming out ahead depends on your total choices and you have a great selection of higher end TS so I think you'll still come out ahead.
It's a vacation I don't think you'll regret it b/c the memories will be worth it!

09-21-2007, 02:25 PM
Do you get the appetizer even in 2008 I know you don't for normal TS, but it doesn't say about Sign. Per the language of the current literature, a Redeemed Signature Credit is equal in meal make-up as a Table Service Credit.

09-21-2007, 05:04 PM
We are going to try Le Cellier! I'm so excited. We're not big cheese people and I don't eat Foie Gras :ack: for ethical reasons [brainwashed in college :secret:] so maybe Cali. Grill isn't the place for us.

We have eaten at Cali Grill 3 years in a row for my birthday and then a few times for other occasions too. Never had the cheese plate or Foie Gras either. I'm a meat and potatos girl and DH is a fish man and we usually have some variation of both. There's plenty of food that you would like there. Don't let that stop you. Cali Grill is my favorite restaurant anywhere:thumbsup: I love Le Cellier too for the steak ;)