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09-03-2007, 08:45 PM
--- I don't think anyone on here has publicly said that they have won a Dream prize yet.

--- VMK is being extremelly quiet about what to do or how this event works.

--- Yavn hasn't spoken for a month again...

--- Anyone waiting for Epcot month next month already? Can't be anything else with Epcot's 25th on the first.

--- I have been in more public rooms this weekend than I have all year.

--- So how long is the VMKTCG going to last in beta?

I got a few more that I can't think of or word right. Feel free to add more if you'd like or discuss...

09-03-2007, 08:52 PM
I have been thinking alot of the same things actually

I doubt we will have an epcot month now seeing has how they put all the epcot things in that trading car game. That didn't make me happy I really wanted Epcot Month.

Also I really dont know why Yavn didn't post a newsletter reguarding Dreams month that seems to be really confusing to people they really need to explain it better.

09-03-2007, 09:52 PM
Warning: :soapbox:

It's surprising to me how everyone is surprised that we are left in the dark (me included, not making fun of anyone)

I was thinking about how in 3 days it will be another month since yavn posted (and last I checked his website is shutdown as well). It was quite a tease being told that we are going to get monthly newsletters, two weeks later get a news letter, then almost a month later have no newsletter. But why aren't we used to it?

It's not the first time they have released something, done something, or had something happen randomly that they throw out there and don't explain. But why aren't we used to it?

I don't know about Epcot month. They have all the stuff to be released in the new card game (that they threw out there) so it makes me think: who needs an Epcot month. However, the VMK gallery still has Epcot pins on display... another tease. But why aren't we used to it?

Personaly, this is not just VMK. VMK is an escape from reality. Every time I go to DLR, there are no problems, no issues, no worries. Unfortuantely I can't go to DLR everyday and be a 100% happy dude. So VMK is my trip to DLR everyday where I can hang out and have a good time and escape the troubles of life and be a kid again. And quite frankly, it's not the disney way to keep the people unhappy. That's why I'm not used to it still.

my: :twocents: turned into about a hundred dollars... sorry :secret:

09-03-2007, 11:29 PM
My only thought is there is some restructuring going on in the management and that's why everything is seemingly a mess in regards to news, updates and stuff...not to mention Yavn's frequent "vacations."

09-04-2007, 01:17 AM
Maybe we wake up tomorrow and find out this weekend was just a dream. There's a new build come out and fix all the broken outside games, our missing tiki 5th pin, and our safari table. And we have a month that maybe makes sense. :cool:

What would make sense is, I hope that maybe they might do something during this month where everybody at least gets one item. Having some people already get two things when it seems like the majority of us haven't seen anything, doesn't seem quite fair, but that's not really something the hosts can do anything about if they are awarding the rooms. Why would you need two hats if they aren't tradeable.

09-04-2007, 01:19 AM
Maybe we wake up tomorrow and find out this weekend was just a dream. There's a new build come out and fix all the broken outside games, our missing tiki 5th pin, and our safari table. And we have a month that maybe makes sense. :cool:

Well it is dream month after all :D

09-04-2007, 09:42 AM
Well it is dream month after all :D

And remember, a nightmare is just a dream gone bad!!!

09-04-2007, 12:37 PM
There are variations on the 'Dream' theme that would be nice:

:mickey: Dream prizes that at certain games (25's & 100's) or at random wins gives a random prize.

:mickey: At the first logon of the day, automatically give a prize to player (could be set that one in 10, 100 or 1,000 get prize)

:mickey: First 1, 5, 10, 25 or 50 people to enter a specific instance of a public room gets a prize. Then the computer randomly switched to a different room. This way, you only get on the entry, not by waiting in a room and plugging the queue. This could create an Easter egg style hunt with trolling players moving from room to room, but at least the crowds would not sit in one room. You would get no prize without moving ;)

I am sure the rest of you have some ideas as well. I just wish rooms were tradable. Then people that come later have the opportunity to trade for retired rooms.

09-04-2007, 11:33 PM
My only complain is that staff randomly choose to give prizes. Sometimes a random person is selected, and sometimes a whole room gets a prize, so its kind of unpredictable. I think a smarter idea would be a quest, game, or something that people can work toward, not just luck that a staff happens to be in your room. Gets tiring after a while when you spend your whole day, hours and hours, and wait and nothing comes by yet.