View Full Version : 2 month old twins in WDW?

08-17-2007, 09:51 AM
I know that there has been alot of nasty discussion about infants in WDW, and I certainly do not want to open that can of worms again... (so please, if you are going to be nasty, dont reply...)

What I would like to know if my DH and I were thinking about sneaking another long weekend trip into our AP before it expires in Dec. Our twins will be about 2 months old... Has anyone ever taken babies that young?? How was it?? Was it hard to feed/change them constantly? Any feedback would be helpful, thanks! :mickey:

08-17-2007, 10:04 AM
Don't let others rain on your parade, if taking 2 month old twins to WDW is what works for you than go for it. I have never done it with twins, but we did take our youngest when he was only 4 months old and it was not that big of a deal.

We went the week before Thanksgiving and it went very well. As long as you prepare well and take it at a reasonable pace while you are there it should work. It is also important that your spouse be an equal partner in things like diaper changing and feeding. Of course, if you are breast feeding then there is more difficult for your spouse to participate in the feeding arena!

Also, don't get as worried about taking afternoon breaks on behalf of your children. At two months old it is more important for you to have a stroller in which the babies can lie down and sleep at will (which they will do a lot of.) Since new borns of that age sleep most of the time anyway, a break would be more for you and your spouse than for you.

08-17-2007, 10:09 AM
The Baby Centers in the parks are awesome! I wish more places had nice, quiet places to change or feed infants!

08-17-2007, 10:10 AM
I say go for it! I took DD at 9 weeks, DH was going to Europe for 2 weeks and my parents were going to WDW for a week with their friends. I flew alone with DD last minute after finding a cheap flight and met them there on a Monday and stayed until Saturday, stayed at our timeshare off-property. If I can fly alone with 1, you and DH can fly with 2!

It was actually very easy, but I had 4 adults to keep me company and go on rides with me, typically my Mom would watch DD and I would ride with the others. I was nursing DD and just starting to feed formula 1x per day, and DD was 'cluster feeding' every 2 hours in the mornings and early afternoon so I did visit baby centers since I didn't nurse in public. The baby centers are awesome! DH can go in with you, except in the nursing room. It is very easy to change babies in the regular restrooms, but if you are near the baby center it is easier, there is a large room and it is much easier for the two of you to change the babies at the same time.

There are alot of rides you can go on with the babies, I used a Baby Bjorn and took her on Pirates, Small World, etc. On other rides you can use baby swap like Soarin' or any of the thrill rides.

08-17-2007, 10:30 AM
Go for it! I took my 3 month old (and my 3 year old) this summer to Disneyland. We had the best time. I actually think its easier to take a kid at that age because all they do is sleep and eat! He was just happy to look at all the colors and watch his big brother. My main concern for him was the heat, but that won't be an issue with your travel dates.

Ditto what others have said about the babycare center. At Disneyland they wouldn't let anyone (hubby included) accompany me into the center, but the rules may be diferent at WDW. I nursed and was okay with doing so in public, so that made it easier. I've heard of people recommending feeding your child on the railroad. I didn't, but it would be a great way to get through a bottle feeding while still enjoying the park. You can stay on as long as you like!

Keep in mind you can't take baby carseat/carriers on rides, so you'll either have to wake a sleeping baby or have someone wait it out if it comes to that (We were, however allowed to take the carseat on the train). A baby bojourn seems like a great plan.

Have fun and good luck!

08-17-2007, 10:58 AM
I wouldn't do it. I hope you don't take this post as being nasty, I am just voicing my opinion and what I'd do in your situation. I am not sure if you have any children yet, but I would want to see how my babies schedules and behavior is before I'd plan a trip. Some babies are wonderful and never cry or get cranky, yet other babies have colic or other tummy problems and can be quite the handful and you will have two of them. I was fortunate that both of my babies were great, I could take them anywhere at that age. However, I have many friends who had trouble with feedings/finding a formula that didn't upset their baby's tummy. It was a very trying time for them as their babies cried most of the time they were awake. That would not be fun in WDW. Also if you are going to be nursing you just don't know yet how often you will need to feed them. Some babies nurse every few hours and if they are on different schedules you may find yourself constantly feeding them. My other concern would be for their health. I am not a germaphobic, but I did not like taking my newborns too many places with so many people until they started getting their immunizations. For me it was just too risky, you never know if the person standing next to you has some kind of illness. My children and I have never had the flu and are rarely sick and all three of us got sick during our Feb. WDW trip with what turned out to be the flu. This would be aweful for two month old babies. If it were me I'd just wait a little longer to get to know my babies and their limits better and wait for them to get a some of their immunizations, just to play it safe. All that said, if you and your DH decide to take your new babies on the trip I hope you have a wonderful time.

And by the way I took my youngest to WDW for his first trip when he was just 9 months and my oldest was 2, so I am not in any way against people taking babies to WDW.

08-17-2007, 11:34 AM
We will be taking an 8 week old on August 28th we will let you know how it goes when we get back!
There will be the 2 month old, 4 1/4 year old
12years, 13 years, 2 17 year olds. and 4 moms!
The baby will be nursing so mom will have all the time she needs in the baby care center and we will take the 4 year old with us.
You know your baby best and can judge what type of schedule to keep.

08-17-2007, 12:06 PM
My other concern would be for their health. I am not a germaphobic, but I did not like taking my newborns too many places with so many people until they started getting their immunizations. For me it was just too risky, you never know if the person standing next to you has some kind of illness. My children and I have never had the flu and are rarely sick and all three of us got sick during our Feb. WDW trip with what turned out to be the flu. This would be aweful for two month old babies.

I second this. A couple of years ago, I caught what turned out to be whooping cough either on the plane to Orlando or at WDW. Babies aren't vaccinated for this until about two months, and it can be fatal.

08-17-2007, 12:10 PM
I took my triplets when they were just 7 months and my singleton when he was about the same. Time of year wise I think it is perfect, not too hot. But you will likely want to be a witch about not letting people touch your babies, and people will try. If your babies are healthy and not colicy then I think you should go for it.

Word of advice if you are using bottles I recommend making sure that you have them using simple bottles for the trip. With the triplets we used the Dr. Browns and having 4 parts to the bottle and having to wash 15 bottles a night was not fun. With my singleton we switched to the playtex nursers with the liners so we only had to wash the nipples and rings each night. It was much easier.

Good luck and have a great time!!

Mary Chase
08-17-2007, 12:21 PM
I hesitated to reply to this b/c I know how much I really hated missing WDW last year when my second child was born. However, I have to agree with the opinion of not going - at least until you know how the babies are doing at that point. The whole health issue is one thing, but I just don't know how enjoyable that vacation would be with babies that little. I hope no one will be nasty to me when I say this, but I am actually worried about taking my one year old in December (I also have a 5 year old). I just know that the pace will have to be slower, but I can't imagine taking a child 2 months old - let alone 2 children at that age. We took our first child when he was 18 months and I thought that was difficult. I wouldn't be taking my one year old now except that I don't want to "punish" my 5 year old by having to wait a few more years until his brother is old enough. We went when our 5 year old was 2 1/2 and 3 1/2 and I think those times went so much better and those ages were perfect.
Again, I totally understand wanting to go - it was very hard for me to take a year off from Disney. I just know how my baby was at 2 months (very difficult with lots of spitting up) and there is no way I would have wanted to deal with that traveling to Disney or anywhere else for that matter. It was just difficult.
If you decide to go, I hope it goes smoothly for you and you have a great time.

08-17-2007, 12:35 PM
I second this. A couple of years ago, I caught what turned out to be whooping cough either on the plane to Orlando or at WDW. Babies aren't vaccinated for this until about two months, and it can be fatal.

I do agree here. Our DD was 6 months the first time we went. Looking back now I would have waited. She was a great baby and I nursed all my kids for 2 years each so that was never a problem. The stress of traveling that will lower their immune system and make them more likely to catch something. Can you and DH take a mini vacation alone? Good luck!! 35 days left for us!!!!!

08-17-2007, 01:15 PM
Skye went when she was 2 months old. We were in Georgia for a family wedding in the middle of June so since we were already half way there we couldn't resist! I was nursing and we were not very coordinated at it but we did good. She was fine. She was happy. She was easy. In fact, I think that age is easier than waiting until 2 because they sleep, eat, and are just happy to be held. She watched whatever she could see, she got her first dip in a pool there, and I do not remember anyone trying to touch her. It was me, Skye, Tyler (5 1/2), my SIL, neice #1 (3), and neice #2 (1). My parents and aunt and uncle were there also but not with us most of the time. To tell you the truth, she was the easiest one!

You know your babies and you know what you can handle. If you, your DH and babies are in sync at home, Disney will be no different. Where you feed, change, and sleep may be different but it is all the same to a 2 month old!

137 more days!!!

08-17-2007, 02:19 PM
Personally, I wouldn't do it. I have two girls (who are 2 yrs apart) who, at 8 wks, were doing the regular infant routine -- not sleeping through the night, wanting to be fed at odd hours, wanting to be held all the time... I would also be wary of taking such young ones out into the germy world.

If you can, I would wait and see how the babes are and make a decision then. Disney will always be there when you are ready to bring the kids for their first trip.

Or perhaps, can you take a weekend trip before the babies are born? That way you would use your APs.


08-17-2007, 04:32 PM
Wow! Thanks for all the great advice...

Anyone who reccomended that I didn't take them, I have the same fears... However, it was nice to see that others have done it and have lived to tell about it!

If anyone did the math, my december 2 month olds are still in my belly, so i think I will have to wait and see how they are doing after they are born... And although a weekend trip is a SUPER idea, i think my doctor would look at my 32 week belly and just laugh at me, so that's out...

I would love to just wait until they are older, which i still may have to do... The problem is two-fold... 1.) the APs that are going to expire... (but if they have to, they have to...) and 2.) My brother is leaving for the college program next week and will not be around for the babies to be born, or the holidays... It would be a nice idea to go down there and visit...

But again, thanks for the advice... No one was "nasty"... Did you see that other post about infants a few weeks ago?? Those people were getting quite rude!

08-17-2007, 09:44 PM
I would wait until they were born before I decided. We were going to go when our youngest DS was two months old and decided against it after we had him and remembered how much an infant can be. You aren't even sure how you will feel yet either. My sister has twins and the first few months were very tiring for her.

Of course maybe you will feel great and they will be easy babies. I hope so. In that case I would go ahead. I would avoid getting on an airlplane however. At least at WDW there is a lot of open air and if they are in a stroller there is little chance that someone will be breathing all over them.

An airlplane with all the recirculated air is a nightmare. I would talk to their pediatrician.

08-17-2007, 09:54 PM
One major aspect to consider is how you're planning on feeding them. If you're going to attempt to exclusively breastfeed both of them (I nursed all three of my kids, but the thought of nursing twins gives me hives!), the trip's probably going to end up being much more trouble than it's worth. I have two different friends with infant twins right now, both of whom are exclusively breastfeeding, and it takes the majority of the mom's time at 2 months old. It's definitely doable to nurse a baby at WDW-- I've done it with no glitches whatsoever-- I just think you probably wouldn't get much out of your trip other than showing the babies off to your brother. Which would probably be well worth it anyway.
Otherwise, wait until those sweet munchkins show up and figure it out from there.
Congratulations on your impending bundles!

Sean Riley Taylor's Mom
08-17-2007, 10:24 PM
I second this. A couple of years ago, I caught what turned out to be whooping cough either on the plane to Orlando or at WDW. Babies aren't vaccinated for this until about two months, and it can be fatal.

I usually always post that I agree with taking infants to Disney. We took my son when he was 5 months old with no problem. He is 7 now.
But, (Please don't think I am bring nasty, I promise I am not trying to be:)), I caught Whooping cough last winter while working in our Elementary school. I was terribly sick for weeks and can not imagine a child or infant getting it. :( There are a lot of these sicknesses that used to be extremely rare coming back to delayed vaccines, etc, my Dr told me. And, a person can pass something like that on before they are really sick. Airplanes especially are terrible in that aspect.

Not to scare you but, I never gave too much thought to bringing my children in public places as infants until my DD was hospitalized at 4 months old with RSV. We always made sure people washed their hands, did not get too close to them and all of the other things you are supposed to do but, she got it from somewhere. After that very scary time we became much more cautious and if I would have had any more kids I probably would have waited to take them until they were a little older. At least until they had their first couple of rounds of shots.

Of course, It is your decision and you will do what it right for your family. If you do go, taking an infant is really pretty easy in the parks. I am not too sure about 2 but, I am sure you could handle it. ;) I can't wait to hear all about your two little peanuts when they arrive. :cloud9: When in October are you due? My DD was born 10/10.

08-17-2007, 10:47 PM
We took my 6 week old nephew to an outdoor concert at 10 days old. He's gone to 2 concerts total this summer and he's going to Disney with us when he's 8 weeks old. Only another 10 1/2 days! But as Crazypoohbear said, there will be 3 of us plus her friend for a few days. The daddy is staying home with the doggy. So just us girls and all the nephew/boys.

08-18-2007, 12:03 AM
We took our twins at 7 months and our 2 month old neice was there with us. If you are bottle feeding I would say go for it. They sleep pretty much all the time at that age. I started bringing my girls on trips with me as young as 4 weeks. And they slept anywhere. Whats great is now at 16 months they will sleep in their stroller, car seat, and crib no problem. The only problem is we trained them to fall asleep on their own they usually don't sleep in our arms.

Disney Baby
08-18-2007, 12:39 AM
Congratulations on the Twins! If you are at 32 weeks then you are doing welll. I just wanted to respond to let you know that I planned a trip in October 2005 after my Twins were born to be born at the end of August - but they came in early July!!! I have really good babies but they were still a lot of work during the first year. We actually waited until they were 2 and we are finally going this year.

Best wishes for a safe and happy delivery! Even though mine were 5 weeks early, they were healthy with no NICU time. I wish the same for you and your family! :mickey:

08-18-2007, 09:55 AM
I understand the posters who were concerned about germs and such but I have a couple of questions
1) aren't babies supposedly "born" with natural immunities? (that's what I was told back in the day)

2) Others have commented on strangers coming up and touching bellies and new babies. I never had strangers touch my belly, I probably would have turned around and rubbed their belly!
3) don't most people ask before touching a baby? I do, so I thought it was just common curtesy, I wouldnt' walk up to a stranger and touch their kid.

So, in conclusion... I guess that people who have differing opinions on whether to bring or not bring the babies might have to do with this whole "touching" thing. Seems like some people get "touched"

Is it a geographic thing? Being from the Northeast maybe we are "colder" people?!

Sean Riley Taylor's Mom
08-18-2007, 12:52 PM
I understand the posters who were concerned about germs and such but I have a couple of questions
1) aren't babies supposedly "born" with natural immunities? (that's what I was told back in the day)

2) Others have commented on strangers coming up and touching bellies and new babies. I never had strangers touch my belly, I probably would have turned around and rubbed their belly!
3) don't most people ask before touching a baby? I do, so I thought it was just common curtesy, I wouldnt' walk up to a stranger and touch their kid.

So, in conclusion... I guess that people who have differing opinions on whether to bring or not bring the babies might have to do with this whole "touching" thing. Seems like some people get "touched"

Is it a geographic thing? Being from the Northeast maybe we are "colder" people?!

Yes, most people do ask before they touch a baby. But, there are those that have no problem leaning in touching them. Especially their hands. Which of course, even at a very young age, ends up in their mouths. I had my son in his car seat carrier in a grocery cart once. I had a very lightweight receiving blanket kind of draped over the seat like a tent (The handle was up) with one side open. It was mostly because of the AC, it was freezing in the store. I was loading up my groceries with the cart was right next to me and she reached up, took the blanket off and was touching his head. Of course, I internally flipped. I know she just wanted to look at him but, it was a little pushy. I just pulled the cart away and told her I had to get going. It really did not sit well with me. I would never do that without asking, especially someone I did not know.

I am not a germ freak but, after my DD got so sick and ended up being hospitalized as I said in my earlier post, I have gotten much more cautious. Germs are out there. Unfortunatley you don't have to be touched to pick them up. :(

What we adults consider a minor cold can be really serious to a new little baby.

Trust me, I wish many more people thought like you with the touching thing! ;)

08-19-2007, 12:15 AM
Whooping cough is transmitted through the air. Someone coughing or sneezing at a table next to you at a restaurant is enough to expose you; if you breathe what they expelled, you may be infected. It's very contagious.

I especially mentioned my experience because I didn't realize whooping cough was even around. Kids who have been vaccinated are fine; my doctor said it's really young babies who've not yet been vaccinated, and teens and adults whose vaccines have worn off, that are at risk (apparently no one really realized that the vaccine wears off).