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View Full Version : Castle dining a must for newbies?

05-15-2007, 12:38 AM
I wasn't really impressed with our meal in the castle, so I'm not inclined to go back. Since I'm taking people who have never been, do you think they'll be missing out? We are doing the Princess Storybook Breakfast in Norway.

05-15-2007, 12:46 AM
IMHO, it's only a must for the atmosphere and to say that you ate there. I've been going to WDW since '93 and ate there for the first time 2 years ago. However, we did enjoy breakfast there and we are going back this August for dinner but we're not going to make it an every trip thing. I would say that unless they want to go, it's easily skipped in favor of less pricey meals that are just as good if not better.

Spaceship Tigger
05-15-2007, 07:37 AM
We've never eaten in the castle and don't feel that we're missing much. If anything, I would say that one of the buffets with the Mickey-Minnie type Disney characters is more of a definitive WDW experience (and a lot cheaper).

05-15-2007, 07:42 AM
I ate at the castle in Sept '05 and wasn't all that impressed. At the time it only used one table credit. Now that it takes two, I haven't taken my boyfriend there although he would enjoy the atmosphere. I don't feel it's a "must do. There are so many fantasic dining choices that I would pass it up.

05-15-2007, 07:44 AM
Unless these "newbies" are little girls who are :crazy: for Cinderella and her Castle, then I don't feel they are missing a thing. The atmosphere is very similar at Akershus, and you still meet Princesses - just not Cinderella.

05-15-2007, 07:53 AM
I thought the castle was much better before its present incarnation. Now it's not really any different from any other character meal buffet. There's not much "special" about it.

05-15-2007, 08:19 AM
My two daughters and I actually prefer the Epcot princess breakfast much more than the castle breakfast. I couldn't get a ADR for CRT the first year and we were so disappointed... and went to the epcot one... then the next year we got CRT.. and like i said, they really didn't like it near as much as Epcot one... so year number three and this coming year, we aren't even trying for CRT.

05-15-2007, 09:13 AM
No, I don't think they'll be missing out. We've been twice for breakfast (3rd time coming in Nov), and enjoy it but... I think this will be our last time. I think it's amazing for little girls, and mine definitely prefer it over Akershus (though maybe that's just reading mommy's continued disappointment in the change to princesses at Akershus!). If they have little girls, it's truly magical but if not, there's really not much reason to bother, IMO.

05-16-2007, 12:29 AM
No, no little girls. Just big ones who like princesses. Thanks for the input. I think we'll just skip it.

05-16-2007, 04:20 AM
We've never eaten in the castle and I don't feel like I'm missing anything. Why don't you ask them how they feel about it? I don't think they're missing anything:mickey:

05-16-2007, 07:54 AM
I went, wished I hadn't -- but someone else was making the ADR's.

05-16-2007, 08:31 AM
I went, wished I hadn't -- but someone else was making the ADR's.
Hopefully they paid as well! :)

Personally I don't think the are missing a thing by not eating in the castle. I have helped many people plan their vacation and the only time I recommend the castle is to those with little girls that remember their experience there.

The food is just OK, and the character interaction is mediocre at best. And this was before the current setup.

Dinner is a better choice if you want to eat in the castle, but I still have a problem with the cost. There are better places to waste^D^D^D^D^Dspend your money.

My recommendations for dining:

Breakfast: Restaurantosaurus or 1900 Park Fare
Lunch: Garden Grill
Dinner: Liberty Tree Tavern

They all pretty much have the classic characters, 1900 being the exception. The classic characters say Disney to me...

05-16-2007, 04:38 PM
The food at the Princess breakfast is terrible! The Castle is truly beautiful but that does not make-up for a very expensive bad meal. The Character breakfast at the 1900 Park fare is much nicer. I think your friends will be happy that they didn't waste good money there. I wish someone would have told me beforehand.