View Full Version : My Wife's First Mother's Day - HELP!

Mr. Brass Bonanza
05-09-2007, 12:06 PM
YIKES!!! With the craziness of having infant twins and me looking for a job (I got laid off four weeks ago), I didn't realize Mother's Day was this weekend...I thought it was next weekend. I'm going to have flowers sent to her work on Friday, and may even be able to whip up some personalized shirts for the kids from Cafe Press and have them expressed. But does anyone have any other ideas on how I can make my wife's first Mother's Day special? Sometimes the smallest things make the biggest impact.


05-09-2007, 12:59 PM
The flowers would be nice, but what about doing something more special to her. What about ordering out her favorite restaurant, then maybe getting her favorite bubble bath. Then take over the nightly stuff with the twins. I know that I'd love one night of not having to feed my son, or bathe him. Just sit back and enjoy my favorite dinner, and a bubble bath with a glass of wine. And watch my hubby wrestle with the kid for one night. LOL.

05-09-2007, 01:19 PM
Mark do you have a yard? If you do planting a favorite flower (roses, peony's azela's) for each of the twins for her would be really sweet.

Since the plants will grow every year with the twins. I'd skip the custom made shirts for the twins since they will outgrow them so fast and focus instead on something more lasting if you can.

Maybe handprints for the twins? I know craft stores often sell kits for that.

05-09-2007, 02:05 PM
You could get up with the twins in the morning and let her sleep in while you make her breakfast in bed.

I like the flower ideas a lot, but also maybe pick her up a pretty card where you can write a nice note about how you appreciate/admire all that she does, etc. Never underestimate the power of a card!

If you are wondering about gift ideas, you could get her some bubble bath and lotions (to go along with TigChatt's idea) - they usually come in really nice baskets or bags if you go to Bath & Body Works.

I would just shy away from anything like clothing (she may not be back to her pre-babies size), gift certificates (unless you are getting one for a specific place that she likes, it will look impersonal) or house-hold items (a new toaster doesn't say "you're a great mom"!)

Hope this helps!!! Good luck!

05-09-2007, 02:24 PM
Maybe handprints for the twins? I know craft stores often sell kits for that.
That's what I was going to suggest! I still have a beautiful cast of my oldest from when he was almost 2. Doing it with paint on paper would be special too. :thumbsup:

05-09-2007, 03:49 PM
because you said you were laid off, I would suggest something that is not very costly.
Perhaps packing a picnic lunch and buying a couple of kites at Walmart and going to the park for the afternoon.

05-09-2007, 04:23 PM
If you have baby books, update them for her and wrap them up. If you don't, get some and fill out as much as possible. Even the moms who don't go in for that kind of stuff right now, will later on down the road (my mom regrets not keeping up with mine).

Take care of the kids for the day. Let her stay in bed or on the couch. The bubble bath is a nice idea. Flowers at work are crucial, so she can show them off to everyone she works with.

Hmmmm....instead of taking her out, make dinner at home (maybe asking someone to baby sit for just a couple of hours....I know how some new moms can't stand to be away from their infants for too long...and new dads too).

In other words, treat her like the princess you already know she is.

Oh...and tell her she looks pretty...I hear they like that.

baby minnie's mommy
05-09-2007, 04:26 PM
For my first Mother's Day my DH got a cute card and put our daughter's footprint in it using non-toxic finger paint. (He said her hand was too hard to do.:) ) So she "helped" make the card. It's something that I'll always keep, and is unique to that Mother's Day.

Taking care of the kids while Mommy relaxes is a very big thing at this stage!!! :D

05-11-2007, 12:30 AM
I would suggest booking her for a massage. Make the appointment for her and tell her when she has to leave. :)

05-11-2007, 11:45 AM
An idea that went over really well for me one christmas for my mother was photos of by boys. We actually took them ourselves at the park on the swings & had them printed in b/w. Then I found some larger, inexpensive black frames with a white mat and had the boys put their names with a special message on the mat. You could change that up a little and have the twins handprints/footprints put on the mat. It would be very special and represent an early time of their lives. We do this a lot now, because with me unemployeed and in school, gifts can get expensive and this is a more unique and less costly way to give someone something special.

05-11-2007, 06:49 PM
With infant twins, she probably hasn't had much time for socializing. Make a "playdate" for her and her girlfriends to get together for coffee or something while you stay home with the kids.

On that same note, you two probably haven't had much time to socialize with each other either without the kids so maybe you can arrange for someone to watch the babies while you two have a special afternoon together.
