View Full Version : Pixie Dust for my friends please!

05-07-2007, 10:23 PM
My friend at work need a bit of pixie dust and plenty of prayers. He is divorced and has shared custody of his kids, a girl who's 8 and a boy who's 4, with his ex-wife. The kids live with him and his live-in girlfriend (who also works with me) and the ex-wife lives about 5 hrs away but drives here to pick them up on weekends and holidays. She's taking him back to court next week to sue for full custody and to take the kids to live with her because she has recently gotten remarried and is now pregnant. She feels that driving back and forth would be too much on her while pregnant and that she wouldn't be able to do it with a baby either. He's really upset and worried that he's going to lose his kids because of living with his girlfriend. The kids love her but since they aren't married, he thinks the court will look unfavorably on the arrangement. He doesn't want to get married again right now although he might someday. The ex also said that she thinks that he doesn't spend enough time with the kids because he works full-time. He tries to work when they are in school or with their mother and when he can't do that, they are with the girlfriend or his mother or grandmother watches them. He was the one who always got up at night with the kids and tended to them when they were sick. He's really a great dad and a great guy and I hate to see him suffer like this.

05-08-2007, 12:00 AM
Sending :pixie: for your friends and the kids. Unfortunately, the children are often the ones hurt in the struggle and they don't have a voice.
I know here the courts don't look favorably upon any parent living with a partner. Courts often view things in black and white and do so to try to be fair so many times the good people have to suffer for the abuse or neglect of others. We could argue until we are blue in the face but living together is almost like a hook the judge grabs as an excuse to make a decision. I've heard many judges say don't live together if you want your kids- make a choice. I hope the judges are not as conservative in your area for your friends sake.
I know its very painful even to watch our friends go through this, he's also lucky to have a friend that listens and cares. More :pixie: and prayers....

05-08-2007, 12:12 AM
:pixie: :hug: :pixie:

05-11-2007, 06:39 PM
Sorry I missed this, :pixie: :pixie: :pixie: :pixie: on the way. I hope it works out.

05-11-2007, 09:01 PM
:pixie: :pixie: :pixie: :pixie: :pixie:
Hope everything works out well.

05-11-2007, 11:48 PM
If I were the judge, I'd be asking why she didn't want full custody of the kids before. Why now?
Is she looking for a babysitter for the new child?
Good luck to your friend. I hope it all works out for him.