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View Full Version : Krueger Clan Pre-Trip Report

04-30-2007, 09:57 PM
Well, it is just about that time once again for the Krueger Family trip to Disney!!! For those keeping score, our trip had been cancelled a few weeks ago, but got back on track shortly thereafter. We leave 2 weeks from today, but there is so much going on between now and then. Since this is a PRE-trip report, I thought I'd include what will be going on between now and the day of departure that will be affecting our trip as well. If you have any feedback, please don't hesitate to let me know!

Cast of Characters:
Dad (52) - Is as big of a Disney nut as I am and my partner in crime for planning the trip and planning surprises for the other girls
Rebecca (me, 23) - When I tell you that I wrote a 30 page planning book, I think you'll understand the level of Disney freak that I am. :blush:
Emily (ihavealipfreckle, 21) - Loves being AT Disney, but has complete faith in my planning, I just have to tell her when to be where and she does it!
Anna (bananaanna838, 19) - My protege in planning, has gone from simply liking Disney to being a freak like the rest of us.

Location - We're staying at one of the cabins at Fort Wilderness; a favorite for us for many reasons including the reletively huge amount of space.

Act One - Before The Trip
5/30-5/11 - Well, Emma, Anna, and I still have finals to deal with, not to mention packing up to go home. Also, I'm graduating!!! But my Dad will be running around working and getting Anna's stuff home, then my whole family, my Mom's boyfriend Randy, and my best friend Gregory are coming up May 11 to see me graduate the next day. As us girls pack up our rooms, we're going to pack everything we're bringing to Disney seperately so we don't have to go on a huge scavenger hunt on Mother's Day.
5/12 - I graduate in the morning (yay!), we're going to lunch, then its a 5 hour ride home. When we get back, we have to unpack everything and start washing clothes for Disney. Since they're packed seperately it shouldn't be too hard to find them! Later that night, Mom, Randy, Emma, Greg, and I are going to West Chester to see my friend John play piano at a bar. Anna's probably gonna keep doing laundry for us!
5/13 - Mother's Day! We're going to spend the whole day not discussing the trip and spending it with my Mommy! I'm sure we'll be doing laundry, however, as there is a lot to do!

Act Two - The Trip
5/14 - Leave the house by 10am to drive to Lorton and get on the AutoTrain.
5/15 - Arrive at Sanford, drive to Disney, go to AK then Epcot, after leaving Epcot we'll go to the store for provisions.
5/16 - Magic Kingdom and MGM
5/17 - Anna planned this day, Animal Kingdom and Magic Kingdom
5/18 - MGM and Epcot
5/19 - Epcot and MGM
5/20 - Today is the Ironman Competition, so we might be driving to Epcot, then going back to the cabin to grill dinner, then going to Magic Kingdom
5/21 - Emma planned this day, MGM, Animal Kingdom, and Downtown Disney
5/22 - Magic Kingdom and Epcot
5/23 - Animal Kingdom and MGM
5/24 - Magic Kingdom and Epcot
5/25 - Leave Fort Wilderness by noon to go back to Sanford and on the AutoTrain home
5/26 - Arrive in Lorton and drive home

Notes: We aren't picky about where we eat, we usually call in the morning and see what's available. We're going to go to DTD more, but that's something we see how we feel. AND, I have some surprises up my sleeve!!!

04-30-2007, 10:12 PM
I AM SO EXCITED!!! Good pre-trip report Becca. :thumbsup: I really can't wait! I hope these two weeks fly by! (And I want to know about those surprises!) :mickey:

04-30-2007, 10:27 PM
Have a good trip.

04-30-2007, 10:29 PM
Ladies -

Sounds like you are going to have a blast! Congratulations on the graduating!! I can still remember what a great feeling that was for me when I walked across that stage and received my degree!!:thumbsup:

05-01-2007, 05:27 AM
Congrats on your graduation!

Looks like you'll be making good use of park hopping!

Have a great trip!

05-01-2007, 06:55 AM
Wow....... that's an amazing schedule you've got lined up.:mickey:

:congrats: on graduating. Your parents must be very proud of you.:thumbsup:

Enjoy your time with your mom and enjoy your trip. :D

05-01-2007, 07:14 AM
A great plan! You are going to have a wonderful time. Congrats on your graduation! What a way to celebrate! Enjoy!:mickey:

05-01-2007, 07:31 AM
Congratulations on graduating. You'll have a lot to celebrate and no better place to be for it. Have a magical time!

05-01-2007, 12:46 PM
I can feel the excitement coming from you.....! It sounds like you've got a lot to occupy you before your trip. Congratulations on your graduation.......and have a fantastic time with :mickey:!!!!!!!!!!!

05-01-2007, 11:44 PM
Becca, I'm not sure what I'll do if you ever stop planning for us... so don't! I can't wait to go! And the reason I have complete faith in your planning is b/c you're AWESOME at it.

So soon! :grouphug:

Belle's Mom
05-03-2007, 09:31 AM
First of all, I wish I had a sister!! Secondly, I wish my family (mom, dad and bro) would give Disney a chance. They think I am crazy. Daddy won't even entertain the idea of going:( He's never been! I also wish I had loved Disney back when I was graduating from college and would have gone to Disney, BUT, I got married one week after graduation and went to Cabo San Lucas for the H'moon. It was great, but I really want to go to Disney w/o the kids (7&4) but I feel soooooo guilty!

05-03-2007, 01:04 PM
Oh this is going to be good, I can tell! I can't wait to read your trip report. We will be there May 11-18 and looks like our paths will cross with yours on a couple of those days.

I've put in an order for good weather so we should be good to go :cool:

Congrats on your graduation, what an awesome way to celebrate!
Have a great trip.

05-04-2007, 03:20 PM
First off - congrats on your graduation!! :thumbsup:

I am sure you girls are going to have a great time with your dad. Sounds like four WDW-maniacs will be on the loose. Have a great time together! :mickey:

05-05-2007, 11:35 AM
Sounds like you've got a great trip planned to celebrate all your hard work. Congrats and have a great time:thumbsup:

05-10-2007, 02:04 AM
Well, just to give an update. We're all trying to pack and get ready and it is a bit of a struggle! I'm glad I got all the plans done earlier than I anticipated, or I would be much crazier right now. The only things I have left to pack really are things I'm going to need between now and Saturday. I'm just in that purgatory stage where I've really done all I can, but it isn't enough. But it will all come together.

For the first time, I planned out all our meals for every day we'll be down in Disney. We are still flexible, so I haven't called for ADRs yet. I don't want to do it on my own because I want everyone to have imput as to when or what the second choice would be. Since we really aren't picky where we eat, this won't be a problem. As long as we GET to eat, we're happy!

We're less than a week out and things are really starting to get moving!

05-13-2007, 07:22 PM
Well. Yesterday was my graduation and it went off without a hitch! We got my room packed up and came home. Today is Mother's Day (Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies out there!!! And to anyone who mothers anyone or anything else :thumbsup: ) and we've spent the whole thing outside with my mom planting and working in the garden. It has been really fun and she's had a really good day. We pretty much are 0% packed though... The only thing that's pretty much done is laundry. My best friend Greg is coming over to help us get ready. But my mom is calling me to go back outside, so here's Emma with some more. :D

Yes, the laundry situation is critical. Ideally, we leave by 8:30 tomorrow morning. We want to do most of the work after mom goes to bed b/c we think it's rude to pack and talk about the trip so much while she is around. We are really excited about the train. I haven't ridden a train for a significant amount of time in so long. It is going to be great! This trip is going to be so great. Maybe even a little better b/c it is the trip that almost wasn't. Even now, so close to leaving, it still doesn't see as if I am actually going to go! It's going to make it so much better, especially since I just got done finals. O chem 2 was awful! I'm rambling.
Thank you to everyone who has sent us messages re: our trip! We look forward to telling you all about it when we get back!

Disney, here we come!! :joy:

05-13-2007, 11:42 PM
Congratulations on your graduation:thumbsup: The trip sounds like a great time will be had by all. Have a safe trip:mickey:

05-14-2007, 07:37 AM
We are JUST about to walk out the door to go to the train station to go to DISNEY! We are super excited! I hope everyone has an amazing 12 days! We will get back in touch when we return!!

We'll make a wish and do as dreamers do
And all our WISHES will come true!
