Talking with the wife today - and we both are and have been in a funk. This virus thing has affected life at so many levels. The fact that we aren't operating normally and our routines have been thrown out of whack is taking its toll.

And honestly we certainly aren't living in one of the worst spots in the country (Hilton Head). But we do have a son that's currently furloughed and another that is working in NYC - so there are worries there.

There is just so much anger out there and we are feeling it too. I'm grouchy and irritable more often than not - and I used to be one of the most optimistic people I knew

I can't travel to my favorite vacation spot - without significant compromises. I absolutely LOATHE masks (but am complying).

I think it's the personal touch we are missing. The conversations. The SMILES. Now we hurry from place to place. We don't spend time talking or interacting.

How are you all managing. What are you doing to deal with the stress and challenges of the crazy times we live in.
