View Full Version : jobs and stress

disney obsessed
05-26-2011, 06:28 PM

I think my husband has one of the most stressful jobs I know. He is an attorney and on a scale of 1 - 10, he has been an average of a 9, maybe a 10 for today. I have been an inpatient, psychiatric social worker, a 5 and a Sales and Marketing Director, a 7 or 8. Also a mom, a 7 or 8.

So, on a scale of 1 - 10, what is your job and what is the stress level of that job?

When I have been so stressed I have been grateful for my love of Disney and the "escapeism" it provides.

05-26-2011, 06:34 PM
Right now, I have the most perfect, wonderful job ever as a school secretary. Too bad it's temporary. On your scale, it might be a 2. :thumbsup: I think my job as mom is a 5 or 6.

I'm so thankful because last year at this time, I was in a full-time job that was a 9+. So completely miserable and in awe that such workplace environments existed. I lasted until July, when I finally quit. No job is worth that in my book. But I am thankful I experienced it, so I now know when I've got it good. ;)

05-26-2011, 07:20 PM
I've long since figured out it's not worth stressing out over your job. I'm at maybe a 1 or 2... The rest of my co-workers are running around in the 7 or 8 range, but that's not for me to worry about, hence the 1 or 2 rating...

As stated before, I'm just trading time for money, hakuna matata

05-26-2011, 08:58 PM
I've long since figured out it's not worth stressing out over your job. I'm at maybe a 1 or 2... The rest of my co-workers are running around in the 7 or 8 range, but that's not for me to worry about, hence the 1 or 2 rating...

Ditto, most of the folks in my field probably run in the 7+ category, I'm pretty low. Life's too short to spend doing a job that causes constant stress or that you need vacations to get away from. Not everyone can have a job they'd otherwise do for free, but it should at least be something they find interesting, and can look forward to doing most of the time.

05-27-2011, 01:01 AM
Ditto, most of the folks in my field probably run in the 7+ category, I'm pretty low. Life's too short to spend doing a job that causes constant stress or that you need vacations to get away from. Not everyone can have a job they'd otherwise do for free, but it should at least be something they find interesting, and can look forward to doing most of the time.

Totally agree with the statement about life being too short to do a job that stresses you. Now a days, jobs seem to be adding more and more stress though. I've been lucky and haven't really had that many jobs that were all that stressful. I worked in a restaurant for a while and it was definitely an 8-9 job on the weekend and busy nights though. I ended up with a nervous twitch type thing from it for a while. Thankfully my job now, while racing the clock and adrenaline, isn't stressful. The physical activity helps to burn any of the stress anyways. (I'm an airport ground worker, ticket agent, & gate agent)

05-27-2011, 07:34 AM
i work for local government in Rent arrears collection and if i let the job get to me i'd be a 10 every day and dead in about a year. having a sense of humour really helps.

Its only a job afterall.

05-27-2011, 07:55 AM
I've long since figured out it's not worth stressing out over your job. I'm at maybe a 1 or 2... The rest of my co-workers are running around in the 7 or 8 range, but that's not for me to worry about, hence the 1 or 2 rating...

Same here. I work in the media, so I can be sitting around doing nothing for a couple of hours, and suddenly have someone screaming that you have 5 minutes to get something on the air. I also learned a long time ago how to stay calm and relax. I would not have made it 20 years in this business if I didn't learn how to manage the stress.

05-27-2011, 09:13 AM
I'm a biology graduate student. On days experiments are going well I'd put the stress at a 1. On days when things are going drastically wrong it goes way up there.

05-27-2011, 11:54 AM
I'm also in the legal field and have learned over the years that no job is worth stressing so much over. I've been with my company for 7 years now. The last place I worked I was there for 3 years and it was the most terrible, awful 3 years of my life. When I left there, I decided that I would never work in an environment like that again. I'm at about a 4 now, but many of my co-workers are much higher than that.

05-27-2011, 01:14 PM
I work for local government. I commission and monitor services for people who are homeless or who need support we have just been handed our 6th budget cut in 7 years and we have to pass that on to the people who provide the services for us who (mostly) do a great job. Thats pretty stressful at the moment but I still love my job even though there are days I want to kill my managers - I just keep thinking all this stress is worth it because the money I earn lets me go to disney world and I know there are lots of people out there who have really been helped by the services we commission

05-27-2011, 08:39 PM
I work for a small ad agency and I take my job and career very seriously. While I try not to stress out too much, there's a certain level of it that I just can't avoid.

I'd probably put my level around 6 or 7.

05-27-2011, 09:14 PM
I'm an elementary school teacher. I've been teaching for over 15 years. My stress level can vary from day to day, minute to minute, and year to year depending on the type of students I have. Some years the students are well-behaved so the stress level is very low - 1-3 most of the time. This year my stress level stayed pretty high - 6-9 because I had a class full of students who were very difficult to manage. I went home exhausted EVERY day just from trying to keep them under control. Thankfully school is now out for the summer so I have time to relax and pray for a low stress class next year! :thumbsup:

05-28-2011, 07:31 AM
As a stay at home mom to two special needs boys, mine is about a steady 8 when my husband is home. When he's deployed or in the field training, it's about a 15. ;)

Luckily, the next few years should be easier than the past few years.

05-28-2011, 08:52 AM
I work for a major corporation. Last year I was a supervisor and the majority of my units work was being "offshored" so stress was at a 10+.

This year (still with the corporation) I am a responsible for monitoring the offshored work who works from home and I am trying to build a career as a writer.

The stress level is usually only a 4 or so except on the days when I worry about being the out of sight, out of mind employee at home!

05-28-2011, 09:39 AM
I'm an ICU nurse in a small community hospital. We don't have any specialty ICU's meaning we handle them all from Respiratory to Cardiac to Neuro. So depending on the weather and time of the year, my stress level can go from 3-10. In the summer our census can drop to almost nothing and back to full in the same day, thus the bald spots on my head. We also handle the overdoses, suicide attempts and alcoholics, and many times they can be worse than our other patients. But I LOVE LOVE LOVE my job (most days)...

05-28-2011, 07:24 PM
I'm a resident physician in radiology --- the stress is variable. It hovers around 4 to 5. It can be 8 or 9 on Mondays when there are tons of studies from over the weekend. Overnight call is also stressful. This Tuesday will likely be horrendous (from the three-day weekend).

I do love my job.

05-28-2011, 09:18 PM
911 dispatcher. Stress can be anywhere from
1-10 and back and forth again all shift long. People don't call the police because they are in a good mood. We deal with a range of emotions and expected to remain calm and helpful. We also always have to think of officer safety issues so everyone goes home safe at the end of the day. Constant multi tasking is expected. I've a training officer for 6 years so I have an ever greater appreciation for how hard it is to do our job well. Chronic anxiety and stress are just "normal" to me now.

05-28-2011, 11:06 PM
I have to say I love my job! I am a microbiologist. I teach micro labs at the college level. Each semester is a new challenge. The high point is I can just tell myself I only have x amount of weeks left with these students and then I get to start all over. On average my stress is low 2 or 3.

05-29-2011, 09:39 AM
Since I do payroll and human resources for about 700 employees, with no help, I,m usually at 9 or 10. We have a lot of hr issue. The payroll is the easy part. And if anything is wrong of course it is all my fault.

05-31-2011, 10:25 AM
Depends on the day with my job. My job carries a lot of emotion, as I work in adoption. Working with the birthparents who are placing their newborn can be a very heart wrenching process to witness, however, it can also be very powerful to see families come together. I've been known to shed a few tears on occasion, appropriately.
There are some high stress days too, when things aren't coming together. So all in all I give my job stress a 5. I leave at 3pm most days...and that is a good thing!:thumbsup:
My mom job can vary...today I give it a 8 getting too completely over-tired and sick of school girls out of bed to make the bus!!!
Love my girls...looking forward to the summer freedom!! Enough said!

05-31-2011, 01:48 PM
I'm a high school band teacher. My level varies with the time of year. December & May - lots of concerts = stress level 8-9. July - summer vacation = stress level 1 (no, I do not have June-August off because of summer lessons and marching band). Other times of year it goes up and down, but I'm always having to think about what's coming next. :confused:

Unfortunatley, overall stress has increased drammatically due to the political climate in WI. Although it's faded from the news, there is still a lot going on here, none of it good for me. I do NOT want to turn this into a political discussion; I'm just relating that there is much more stress than normal right now. :mad:

05-31-2011, 03:00 PM
in a previous life I was a mortgage lender. Wow, that was stressful. I'd say an 8. So much was out of your control and you could do the best job in the world, but people would still be mad at you if the underwriter asked for more documentation or the closing got pushed back. Ugh. Other than that I have worked in various commissioned based sales jobs and those have ranged anywhere from 4-8 depending on goals and what was actually being sold. It's always more stressful when your income depends on how much you can close. Obviously, it's also can be more financially rewarding too.

05-31-2011, 03:54 PM
i'm a small business owner and most times i have no stress,when business is good that is.but last year my business (Sign Company ) dropped 75%:( my stress was off the chart). even having my shop at my home it still was tough.thankfully my dw took me to disney to relax,(gotta love a good woman),and i was able to come back refreshed & ready to face the world again .business is picking up & is steady so i'm at 1 or 2 most of the time.:thumbsup: