View Full Version : Just great.............

05-18-2011, 09:13 PM
Well just found out I am Hypoglycemic. I had a feeling for a while that I was. So now that i am embarking on this new way of eating all I can think about is going on vacation to Disney in August and watching everything I put in my mouth!! I really never went over board with eating on vacation anyway, but it will be somewhat of a challenge. Just me ranting a bit!!!

05-18-2011, 11:01 PM
Must be something going around, :( I just got the same news. I go every year for the Food & Wine Festival so eating and drinking around the world will be more of a challenge. I started thinking about my dining reservations and the meals I had planned too. I have no intentions of changing them but my food choices will undoubtedly change. So far I've had no trouble sticking to a new diet and I know that there will be concessions I'll have to make. Carb counting will be the order of the day and should be second nature by then. I've started looking through the menus that are available online and I don't think there will be any real problems. I'm hoping to stay off the medications and so far the diet change and exercise has proven to control the beast. One up side is that I've lost a few pounds and I hope to drop another 15. :thumbsup: Hope things go well for you.