View Full Version : Pixie Dust for Tyler

11-24-2009, 09:31 AM
On Saturday, Tyler (my 10 11/12 year old son) was playing football with some friends while at his league's Super Bowl. They were not in the game just hanging out. He was tackled and went down on his left hand. I picked him up and took him to the ER and found out it was broken. He actually did really well considering what a drama queen he usually is. And he was oddly enough looking forward to gettin ghis Titan Purple cast yesterday afternoon. Instead, he got some bad news. The fracture of his wrist is at the growth plate (which the ER doc failed to think was important enough to mention apparently!) and the radius is displaced. He is now scheduled for surgery to put some pins in tomorrow morning. He cried the whole way home. I cannot imagine how he is feeling right now having to sit at home all day today thinking about something he knows nothing about to know what to really expect! Gosh, I wish I could take this from him right now so he would not have to deal with it...

So just please keep him in your thoughts...

11-24-2009, 09:54 AM
Here you go. :pixie:

11-24-2009, 10:35 AM
Sending lots of :pixie::pixie: Tyler's way for a safe surgery, quick recovery, and to help calm his nerves beforehand! I know he's probably really scared and nervous right now, but I'm sure he will come out of it just fine! Kids are so resilliant. Will he still have to have a cast after the surgery?

11-24-2009, 10:54 AM
Sending lots of :pixie::pixie: Tyler's way for a safe surgery, quick recovery, and to help calm his nerves beforehand! I know he's probably really scared and nervous right now, but I'm sure he will come out of it just fine! Kids are so resilliant. Will he still have to have a cast after the surgery?

Yes, he will be casted for around 4 weeks...sounds so fast...he has requested a purple one...

11-24-2009, 12:12 PM
Yes, he will be casted for around 4 weeks...sounds so fast...he has requested a purple one...

I hope he does get his purple cast! :)

11-24-2009, 12:28 PM
Oh poor guy! As an adult that would be scary and unfun, but even worse as a kid. I hope all goes well. :pixie::pixie::pixie::pixie::pixie:

11-24-2009, 09:44 PM
Sorry to hear that! Prayers a pixie dust for Tyler for a speedy recovery. My youngest is in football and sustained an ACL injury about 6 weeks ago. Always something.

Let him know he has alot of fans out here cheering for him for a fast recovery!

11-24-2009, 10:13 PM
Hopefully you're all getting some rest right now in preparation for your big day tomorrow. By this time tomorrow night the stress will be behind and Tyler will be on his way to a speedy recovery! :wave: :pixie:

11-25-2009, 08:24 PM
:pixie::pixie::pixie::pixie:for Tyler. I hope the surgery went well.

11-25-2009, 11:48 PM
:pixie: for Tyler! Hope he got his purple cast and fared well today.

11-27-2009, 08:04 PM
Hope Tyler is doing well after all he's been through!! :pixie:

11-28-2009, 01:08 PM
:pixie::pixie::pixie: for his speedy recovery.

11-29-2009, 12:18 AM
How did the surgery go? I hope he's doing much better now.

11-29-2009, 10:44 AM
Poor little guy! It is so hard as a parent to watch your kids go through stuff like this. Hope all went well with Tyler's surgery and he got his purple cast!

11-30-2009, 01:25 PM
Thanx Everyone!

Tyler is doing great. I cannot believe how wonderfully he did! After that ride home from the doctor's office when he found out he needed surgery, he didn't freak out again.

His surgery was scheduled and re-scheduled for 8am on Wednesday so we had to be at the hospital by 5:30am. He actually watched as his blood was taken for his pre-op labs...I was expecting a fight. He was checked into a peds room for before and after and it has a Playstation 2 so he was happy with that. In the pre-op holding area, the anesthesiologist decided to put in his IV after the gas was given so he did not have to deal with that at all until he woke up. Coming out of it in recovery he was crying and a little spastic but the nurse said that is very common in kids. He thought he couldn't breathe but we could see he was breathing fine on all the monitors and he kept trying to lift his hands, one to see the IV and the other the cast that was not there! So he was not a happy camper about that. Once he was awake enough the nurse gave him some pain meds through his IV and he calmed down. He napped back in his room for about an hour before we went home.

He was very upset that he still has not real cast. Apparently there is one stitch on each of the two pins that were placed and they will be removed (the stictches) on the 7th and then he will get his real cast for about four weeks. Instead of being upset about it though he is more looking forward to seeing when the pins in his hand look like.

I was very proud of my baby! He did so well...which made me handle it very well too...I don't know how I would have done if he had taken it all badly...He has only taken pain meds once and that was the night after surgery before bed and he said it was "just in case". He says it does not hurt. And he hung out with friends all weekend and kept up without any pain...just thinking about pins in my wrist hurts but he says it doesn't?!?!?!?!

So again, thanx to all for the pixie dust, prayers, thoughts, and encouraging words...

12-08-2009, 04:15 PM
Well, still no cast...a few tears were shed. I guess to a 10 year old boy, the cast was the best part of the whole ordeal!

The doctor took out his stitches last night and we got to see the "pins"...they look like paper clips that have been jabbed into his arm (al la Frankenstein)...he was very interested and at the same time looked to me as if it was a little worrisome when it actually came down to seeing them.

The doctor said they looked good (well actually, he walked in and said "it's pretty, isn't it?") with no bruising or swelling...the scabbing is dry and healthy. BUT, he does not like putting on a hard cast because with the pins sticking out they tend to hit on the hard cast and that moves them slightly causing pain and often times infection.

So they re-wrapped him and he has an appointment in two weeks. At that time he said they will x-ray his arm and see how the healing is coming and if it is healed enough they will take the pins out and and he will most likely get a hard cast...those all important signatures may still happen!!! The doctor is still saying 6 weeks which would be a possible 2 more weeks after getting a hard cast if it is healed enough for the pins to come out...then Tyler could get his early Chrsitmas present...a cast...how silly does that sound?!?!?!?

12-09-2009, 10:53 AM
Glad he's doing better- and yeah I can totally understand about the cast. My son had one once and it was a BIG deal!