View Full Version : Upgrading dining plan

10-25-2009, 11:44 AM
Does anybody know how much I would have to pay if lets say I get free dining at a value resort for next August and its only for Quick Service, how much would it be daily per person to upgrade that plan to the regular plan of 1 quick service ,1 snack,1tables service? Thanks for the info!

Next trip Aug 2010
Sept 2009
Sept 2008
Sept 2007
May 2006
June 2004

10-25-2009, 12:32 PM
We did this for our free dining this Dec. Never had anything Free as they say, but got this one. We are at Pop so we got QS but I upgraded to reg DDp and it cost us 10.00 per person more per day. So our 9 days of upgrade was 180.00 added on to our package. Next year we are only going to do the QS we have found some places that serve as much as TS on their menus and will give this a try this time so we do not have to pay more next year. I read somewhere where the prices for DDP will go up to 42.00 per day Just not worth it when you don't get any extras and have to pay the tip. Plus when you figure the QS at 30.00 per day right now and the plan includes 2 Qs per day 2 snacks and the mug. That is allowing 2- $10.00 Qs meals, 2-, $4.00 snacks so that is 28.00 and figure 1.00 per day to equal out the price of the mug. Its the same as buying it your self just without the convenience.. So now value here unless you gop and eat at Mara,Pepper Market, Wolfgangs, Riverside.