View Full Version : I'm so frustrated!!!!!

09-22-2009, 09:41 PM
We have, up until this year, homeschooled our children. Our DS started high school last year and we put our DD into the middle school this year. She is very bright. So, I pushed to have her put into the top classes because this is really where she needs to be to thrive. Well, in order to get into these classes, you had to be recommended by your teacher and score high on the SOL ( a bologna standardized test VA Einsteins came up with). SInce we were homeschooled last year, they had to put her in the classes I wanted but gave a stipulation she had to be pulling a B in the class after the 1st 6 weeks to stay. Right now she has a 79 C. Here's the kicker. The rest of the class had gone through the first four chapters last year and only needed a review to move on( and she doesn't have the worst grade in class). DD had to LEARN those four chapters and the fifth in the last 5 weeks. The first chapter he actually reviewed a couple sections at a time. She did okay on that. The next three chapters he gave a review sheet and had a test two days later. She had to learn each of those chapters in about two days. He has had an attitude toward her because she was homeschooled, and has not been willing to help her, nor did he tell me there was tutoring available to help her. Now she might have to drop back and will never be able to catch back up to this group again. I personally don't know anyone that can learn and pass 5 chapters in 5 weeks! Especially not completely on your own at age 11.:mad:

Thanks for letting me vent! I feel a little better now.

Zippy 1
09-23-2009, 12:00 AM
We went through a similar situation when my DD went into public school last year. She was a freshman. She had problems in math due to a stupid test they gave her. She ended up in the wrong class with a new teacher who was difficult to work with. On the bright side she did make it through last year and is doing great so far this year ( we have been back in class since Aug 17th). So hang in there! Some teachers have an attitude about home school children who enter the school system at a later age.