View Full Version : Do you think theres a big diff in Lunch & Dinner?

03-05-2009, 02:20 PM
some of the places add a few diff dishes at dinner I notice, and some of the prices go up.
When i pay OOP i try to skip breakfast or have coffee & granola bar, eat lunch and maybe something later at night snackwise.
Lunches seem easier to get in sometimes and cheaper.
Any places that you think the lunches arent that great but the dinners are?
(I know some places are dinner only)

03-05-2009, 03:39 PM
I think lunch is a great option if you're not on a dining plan. Easy to get in, and more of a bargain. I still prefer dinners for the menu options, more extensive at dinner, but I can't think of anywhere that serves lunch that wouldn't be great for either meal, lunch or dinner.