View Full Version : Who else wishes they had taken the day off today?

01-23-2009, 10:23 AM
I'm a teacher and had to go on "lock-down" yesterday because of a custody battle between one of my student's parents. Guess what? I'm on lock-down again today. I can't leave the room unless I take the child with me or give him to another teacher so I can use the restroom. I have to keep the door locked at ALL times - do you know how many times people come and go in a classroom during a typical day. I'm spending a LOT of time running to the door to see if I can let someone in. I wish I had taken the day off! Kindergarten is NOT supposed to be like this. Parents need to grow up and stop using their kids in their battles!!!:mad:
Sorry - I just needed to vent.

01-23-2009, 10:28 AM
Wow, that sounds pretty heated. It's not a spot I would want to be in. It must be so hard on the poor child, too. What an awful situation! You deserve an extra day off.

01-23-2009, 10:36 AM
It is utter stupidity for parents to do that.
Hope Monday is better for you.
Atleast only your classroom goes into lockdown. The entire school goes under lockdown with our district. When I worked as the elementary school crossing guard, the few times we had lock downs, I had to be brought into a classroom for the lockdown. And they were for the same reasons as yours....custody idiocy.

01-23-2009, 11:50 AM
Oh my god! I feel so bad for that poor little kid. Also for all the other kids in class that are learning a lesson that people can be pretty awful sometimes. I hope that kid can get into some good counceling so he/she knows that this is NOT their fault. Why can't those parents act like grown ups and stop using the poor kid as a weapon against eachother. I know if that was going on in my DS kindergarten class I would be furious at those parents. Good luck I hope things resolve quickly for all those involved. Including you.

Magic Smiles
01-23-2009, 06:39 PM
I have never heard of such a thing. Does this stuff really happen? My DH always says that I have lead a sheltered life.
I feel so bad for the kids. If my child was in the class they wouldn't be for long.

01-23-2009, 10:44 PM
I feel so sorry for this child. He should not be put in this situation. It is completely unfair to him. I do hope he is allowed to get some kind of counseling. He did not ask for any of this and it is not his fault his parents can't grow up and act like adults. Kids should NEVER be used as ammo.
I also feel bad for everyone else affected in this situation. It is simply not right. At least by being on lock-down (no matter how inconvient it is), everyone is staying safe.

01-24-2009, 10:38 AM
I am so sorry that you are having to go through this. I hope things are better next week.