View Full Version : Funny story in Jamaica

07-21-2008, 12:57 PM
I have a funny story to tell you when I was at a shop in Jamaica.

A girl from our group was joking around about me trying on a dress that she was looking at. (Yes, I'm a guy. Don't laugh. :D ) I was looking at this dress when all of a sudden this guy pops out of a shop asking me what color and size dress I wanted. I'm confused and a little frightened at this point so I followed him in this store. He assumed that I was buying it for my sister (As if he knew I had a sister. ) So, this guy thinks I'm buying a dress for my sister so he insists on trying it on ME first! :blush: All of my fellow people from my group are all laughing at me and watching me try on dresses as I'm mouthing the words "GET ME OUT OF HERE!" Of course nobody understood so they all just thought I was a cross dresser and walked off. :funny: As I was in this shop, all I saw were tiny little skirts so I made up this story that my sister was a big fat person. I thought to myself, "Yes! I'm free now!" but all of a sudden this guy pulls out this HUGE skirt and I was thinking, Oh my gosh. What am I gonna do? This girl from our group comes up to me and I mouthed "Get Me Out Of HERE!!!" She of course thought I needed help haggling this guy out of some money and buy this HUGE (let me say this again) HUGE skirt. I finally was able to get out of there but without trying to put it on a coat hanger. I guess I just don't know when to say no. :D

07-21-2008, 01:35 PM
Don't even think about looking at a Tinkerbell costume!!!:haha::tink:

07-21-2008, 08:28 PM
They can be very persistent sales people. And not to sound rude but just say no thank you and leave. They see tons of tourists and you can be sure they've heard worse.
And on the other hand they are willing to go out of the way to help you. They actually sent someone over to another one of their locations to pick up a ring that I'd seen earlier in the day. He drove over and brought it back for me. All this with just a description, no SKU # or anything!