View Full Version : Jury duty

Marilyn Michetti
06-26-2008, 08:28 AM
I won't be posting today. At least, I HOPE it's only today. I have jury duty in Phoenix Superior court. I don't mind J.D. - it's like voting - you just do it, but WHY do I always get pulled to downtown in rush hour? We have a cour in Mesa. DH and DD have never been downtown.

Oh, well, thank goodness for my Prius with the blue cloud plate. I can do the HOV lane by myself.

I'm taking my Birnbaums Disney, a couple of movies, and a book, so hopefully, the day will pass quickly. I've never been seated. (Probably shouldn't have said that).:secret:

See you later.

06-26-2008, 09:20 AM
:pixie: Here, I'm un-jinking you!! LOL:blush:

Seriously though, hope all goes smooth!

06-26-2008, 01:36 PM
Well Marilyn, we're about 1/2 way through the day - I'm hoping it's a good one for you and you didn't get seated on a jury. But just to show you that ANYONE can be chosen, Bishop Zubick of the Pittsburgh Catholic Diocese is serving on a jury today in a home invasion case. I certainly wouldn't want to be the one on trial!!!

Marilyn Michetti
06-26-2008, 02:17 PM

I was the fourth picked and seated on a jury, but it was a traffic accident case and they only wanted four out of the ten. I, and five others were validated, and sent home.:whistle:

Southwest opened their schedule through Jan. of 09, and since I'm home by 10:30, I hit the Internet and WE ARE BOOKED ! Not a screamin deal pricewise, but totally refundable, and non-stop both ways. YEA !:thumbsup:

I don't mind jury duty, but HATE driving into the city during rush hour traffic, so am happy to be done for the next 18 months.:)

06-26-2008, 03:56 PM

Yay!! So glad it all worked out!!

06-26-2008, 04:21 PM
Do you get called often?

I shouldn't say this but I have not been called since 1997. It was a couple of months after my son was born and we had a doctor's appointment in the city the next day (he was having many medical problems at that time). I made it all the way to the courtroom and had to get up and tell the judge my circumstances. I haven't been called since then!

And how cool is it that you get to drive HOV because you have a Prius. I love that!

06-26-2008, 06:04 PM
I had Jury Duty last year and man was it boring not one trial needed a Jury. They didn't have internet in the room they kept us in but they are adding on to the building and will have a room for people on Jury Duty with WiFi. They did give us an extra long lunch which was nice because I go go home for a little bit since I lived very close.

Marilyn Michetti
06-26-2008, 09:13 PM
Yeah, driving in the HOV was a hoot. I was breezing past a parking lot (the other five lanes), and waved. Probably shouldn't be gloating like that because it caused muscle spasms in the other drivers. Lower arm contracting causing a reflex extension of the third digital phylanges (sp). Anyway, it was fun because I don't drive in traffic very often.:cool:

Puppy Mom
06-27-2008, 10:51 AM
"Lower arm contracting causing a reflex extension of the third digital phylanges "

Oh my goodness! You made me spit my Dt. Coke on that one.

06-27-2008, 12:25 PM
I wouldn't mind jury duty if it was selected fairly. For the last 6 years I have been called every single year, so has my mom, my dad and my dh and all within weeks of each other. My mom and I actually got called the same day. It was nice to have lunch with someone. I have many friends who have never been called a single time. I just don't get why I have be hauled down every single year, when some people never have to go.

My only saving grace this next year is, I moved to a new county. I'm just hoping I get a year or two reprieve.

06-27-2008, 04:22 PM
"Lower arm contracting causing a reflex extension of the third digital phylanges "

Oh my goodness! You made me spit my Dt. Coke on that one.

Yeah, it was a good thing that I wasn't drinking anything when I read it!

06-27-2008, 05:55 PM
Probably shouldn't be gloating like that because it caused muscle spasms in the other drivers. Lower arm contracting causing a reflex extension of the third digital phylanges (sp).

LOL! Oh my gosh, you have the best sense of humor! I always look forward to reading your posts. Call me a nerd, but I'm kind of jealous of you all. I've never been called for jury duty and have always wanted to be (guess its a good thing I'm going to law school!) :blush:

06-27-2008, 06:39 PM
Yeah, driving in the HOV was a hoot. I was breezing past a parking lot (the other five lanes), and waved. Probably shouldn't be gloating like that because it caused muscle spasms in the other drivers. Lower arm contracting causing a reflex extension of the third digital phylanges (sp). Anyway, it was fun because I don't drive in traffic very often.:cool:

Oh my goodness, I actually scared the tar out of everyone with laughing out loud. You have got to be one of the funniest people ever.....

BTW, what is an HOV lane, we hicks don't have one up here.

Marilyn Michetti
06-27-2008, 08:50 PM
Well, I'd get chastised big time if I just said they "flipped the ...." Ya know, it's a family forum.:D