View Full Version : DD had a bad reaction of her meds

03-25-2008, 06:25 PM
What a nightmare!! I feel for those of you with kids who have any type of allergic reactions. She had strep and a double ear infection. I knew one was infected b/c the ear was leaking, but then got the other news. So we got Amoxcillin and on day two the poor kid had hives on her face and trunk. The dr. and I knew it was from the meds, but weird, b/c she has taken this stuff before. We got new meds. but it was a bit scary there. She is doing fine now, but missed quite a few days from Kindergarten.

On a good note (except for car payments and this guy hitting by backing up onto him at a stoplight), we got a brand spanking new 2009 Toyota Camry, complete with new car smell. We were gonna wait 'til next year to dump the old car, but went ahead. I believe things happen for a reason and what's another year, we'll already be used to the payments by then :D I love the car!!!

03-25-2008, 06:48 PM
It's strange that you mentioned this today. My niece (she's 9 yo) has a sinus infection and they put her on Amoxicillin yesterday. After the first dose, she developed a bad case of hives - something she's never done before and she's had this medication a number of times. I wonder if there's something new they added into the Amoxicillin, a dye or flavoring or something.

Congrats on the new car! It's always exciting getting a new car - at least until the payments start!

03-25-2008, 07:15 PM
Ugh. I used to get hives from medication, and sometimes stress. I cannot stand being itchy in the least, so I feel for your little one. :pixie: to her and I hope she feels better soon!

03-25-2008, 07:15 PM
I'm glad your DD is ok! Allergic reactions like that can be really scary!

I'm allergic to penicillin and sulfa drugs. I was in 6th grade when I developed the allergy to penicillin and had taken it many times before. I got hives all over my body. With sulfa I was in college before I developed the allergy. I got hives all over my trunk and face. You can just develop the allergy, it doesn't have to be something you've always had.

Congrats on the new car!!

03-25-2008, 07:16 PM
Thanks for telling me that, Kathy, now I wonder. That is so weird about your niece, too. I got scared b/c John had hives and his throat almost closed up. Luckily I always keep Benadryl here so I got it to her right away.

03-25-2008, 07:20 PM
Glad she's okay! My daughters get hives occasionally (usually for no apparent reason), and it is alarming. You always worry its going to lead to something scarier!:ill:

03-25-2008, 07:32 PM
This happened to me once years ago on the same medication, and it had never bothered me before, either. I'm the type that can get hives at random from time to time for no apparent reason, though. The doctor also said that sometimes when people are fighting something off your body may respond with hives, so it could have been an effect of the strep and not necessarily the meds.

03-25-2008, 07:42 PM
How scary! I'm sorry for your fright and for the DD. Glad she is doing fine now.

And yay on the new car! Congratulations and enjoy.

03-25-2008, 07:47 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about your DD. I have tons of allergies, and it can be scarey!

Sometimes I don't know exactly what caused the hives...I just keep benedryl around, and use it liberally!

I'm so glad she's feeling better though!

03-25-2008, 08:03 PM
My family is famous for spontaneously developing allergies to meds, or anything!

I was in nursing school for a year and half and never had problems. I then developed anxiety and other issues, but that's beside the point. We had a skills refresher lab one day the first week of school and we wore latex gloves. All night my right eye itched and itched. I didn't think anything about it. The next morning, we woke up for EKG lab, and my roommate said, "Your eye is swollen!" I asked if it was my right eye, the one that itched. She said it was my left! I run and look, sure enough, my left eye was almost completely swollen shut! During the night, I must have had my lips swell as well (SCARY!), because there was a big gash on the inside of my upper lip, and I can only assume it was because my lips got swollen.

I know believe I am allergic to the powder in latex gloves, but am also latex sensitive, so I can't be around latex, which is rather hard in my field!

My grandmother developed an allergy to Sulfa drugs one day after getting an Rx for a UTI, which she has taken many times in her long, wonderful life.

It happens. The worst is IV medications, those reactions develop so quickly!

I always keep a benadryl with me. I am going to buy the melty ones, just in case I don't have water around.

Sorry your DD had to go through this. I hope she is all better!

03-26-2008, 12:55 AM
So sorry to hear you had this experience (for all). My son broke out w/ hives and amoxicillin when he was about 6 mos. old and the dr. recommended we not use it any more. I know that you can develop allergies with continued exposure throughout life.
Do be careful with it.
Congrats on the new car!

03-26-2008, 10:11 AM
It takes at least 3 exposures to something to develop an allergic reaction. Take this from a person that is allergic to at least 8 medications, latex, sulfites & a ton of other stuff. There are different forms of latex & doesn't necessarily mean you are allergic to all forms of it either. You can have an allergist test a tube of your blood to find out. I don't know which ones I am and which one I'm not I just try to avoid it & certain foods because of it.

I never developed the latex allergy until after dd was born. I had 2 more kids & was told a ton of stuff to avoid food & plants because they are part of the latex family.

Sorry to hear about the hives. They are not fun. Make sure to let your pharmacy know that she has this allergy. In the future if they give her another medication in the same family you they will warn you to watch for it. I can't have amoxicillin or peniciilin. Neither my dh nor my kids can either they've all had the hives to it. However they can take other antibiotics in the same family as amoxicillin that I can't.

:pixie: Lots of pixie dust to help her get better soon.

03-26-2008, 01:04 PM
My DS had a bad reaction to Amoxicillin when he was a tiny baby. He had an ear infection too. He had Amoxicillin once before, and this was his second ear infection. He broke out in a bright red rash from head to toe. It was awful. He was probably about 5 months old, at the most. The doctor gave him prednisone and the rash was gone within hours after taking that. It was really scary, and the doctor even took a photograph to show other patients what could happen with an allergic reaction. Thank goodness he doesn't get many ear infections anymore (he got them all the time before he could sit up...the daycare workers used to feed him lying down :mad:. As soon as I found him a different day care situation, his ear infections magically went away.)

Sean Riley Taylor's Mom
03-27-2008, 11:06 PM
I feel for your daughter.:ill: I hope she is feeling better!!

Two of my kids have allergies to medications, so do I.

I am allergic to Morphine. I learned that the hard way during my third c/s. Hives, vomiting, severe itching, etc. What a nightmare.

My middle son is also allergic to morphine. He has had two reactions to it. Each time got considerably worse. He had his adenoids taken out and tubes put in at 1 and had what they thought was a reaction to latex. His only reaction was his eyes swelled.
The second surgery was for a second set of ear tubes and his tonsills removed. (He was sick toddler...poor kiddo). They marked the latex allergy that they thought he had and he went into the OR. His second reaction was much worse. Hives, swelling all over his body, vomiting and respiratory difficulties. It was really scary. Thankfully, we were still in the hospital and they got him stablized. Once they went over the two surgery reports they concluded that it was the morphine since it was the only thing he had both times. Of course years later we found out I was allergic to it also. Now, he wears a medical alert tag because he could have a much more severe reaction if he ever got it again. Each time a person is subjected to an allergen the reaction gets worse. That is what our Asthma/Allergy Dr told us.

My daughter is allergic to amoxicillan and Motrin. She also had to have her tonsills and adenoids removed last year because of severe sleep apnea and we had her marked for a Morphine allergy just to be on the safe side. We do not know if she is allergic to it but, we were not taking any chances since my son and I both are allergic to it. She also breaks out in hives with most sunblocks and in extreme heat. Not fun.

Benadryl is a staple in our house and in my bag. I love the single serve spoons they sell. I keep those in my bag at all times.

03-28-2008, 08:19 PM
First of all I hope your dd is feeling better. Poor little thing! Allergic reactions can be scary. And enjoy your new car. I don't know if this will help any of you or not. A couple of you said you break out in hives and are unsure why. Zyrtec is great for hives. My son has chronic idiopathic urticaria (sp.) which is just another way of saying hives for no explained reason. The doctor put him on zyrtec and he is mostly hive free. Unfortunatly if he forgets to take it at night he is covered by the next morning. I know for most people with an allergic reaction Benadryl is the key, but if you have cronic hives, you may want to look into zyrtec. Just some extra f.y.i.