View Full Version : It doesn't pay to be a Good Samaritan

03-17-2008, 05:26 PM
Saturday night, when Ben and I stopped at the grocery store, we witnesses an intoxicated, African American male, beating his female companion. The young child and the female acted as if it were an everyday occurance. I turned to Ben and said, "Did you just see that?" He claimed he had and was calling 911. I handed him my cell and he proceeded to "follow" the perpatrator toward the street. Another African American male was passing me as I approached to store front. I paused at the entryway to see Ben walking back toward me, still on the phone with 911.

This is where I went wrong. I proceeded into the store assuming that Ben would be following right behind. Well, needless to say, the man who passed by me caught up with the perpatrator and told him of Ben's intent. As Ben was walking toward the storefront, the perp decided to sneak attack from behind and sucker punched Ben in the back of the head, causing his teeth to cut into his tongue. As they wrestled on the ground together, Ben received many more blows to the head. He gets the perp into a choke hold and somehow the perp "crocodile death rolls" out of it and bolts. All the while the female and the small child with her watch. They all take off as they see the police coming. Of course, they aren't caught as they were all on foot and ducked in somewhere.

As I come out of the store (btw - I only bought a gallon of milk, so I wasn't in the store but a few minutes) I see Ben standing there with blood pooring out of his mouth and two police officers surounding him with many onlookers.

I took Ben to my ER (which btw is called "Good Samaritan Hospital") and had one of our sugical PA's stitch his tongue closed. They put him on antibiotics. The next morning he got up and the swelling was so bad he couldn't talk, so he went back to the ER, seeing the same PA and got some steroids to help control the swelling.

My first concern was for Ben to make sure he was okay. Once I realized he was going to be allright, I started yelling at him. "What if the guy had a gun?" You just never know who is toting around a weapon in this area. There are shootings here almost daily. Baltimore City is a very rough place, however, we were in Baltimore County. It seems the crime rate is creeping over the county/city line.

I realize Ben is a rare breed as he is running into burning buildings, the rest of us are running out. It's in his blood to help people. But this, this time it just wasn't going to work.

Thank God he is okay, but I'll tell you what, it will be the LAST time he tries to be a good samaritan.

Thanks for letting me vent.

Dakota Rose
03-17-2008, 05:30 PM
Oh! That's terrible! I'm so sorry to hear that! I'm glad his injuries weren't more serious. Even though he was victimized, he was doing a noble thing. Poor guy!

03-17-2008, 05:43 PM
I'm so sorry to hear that happened to him. What he was doing was very noble and upstanding, especially in today's society. And in the end, what has the child involved learned, that what he was witnessing is acceptable and he will continue with this demoralization of society. That is the truly sad thing that will materialize from this.

Again, I applaud Ben for his efforts, his bravery, and his intent to do good. I hope this doesn't deter him from helping someone the next time around. He is a very respectable person, and eventually in life he will be rewarded for his good deeds.

03-17-2008, 05:59 PM
Oh wow, what a terrible thing to happen! I'm sorry for both of you for the fright and for Ben's pain. But I do think he's a great guy for wanting to help. Imagine how you would feel if you'd heard that the woman or child was severely injured and you'd both chosen to do nothing? Maybe not so bad, considering, but I have a feeling it wouldn't be Ben's style. Your own safety comes first, then see what can be done to help.

It may have gone better if you pretended to ignore it, gotten to a safe situation first, and then called? Easy to say in retrospect. So awful that good people like you two end up getting hurt in trying to do the right thing. I don't blame you for saying no more good samaritan acts. :hug:

03-17-2008, 05:59 PM
I'm sorry to hear about Ben, trying to do a good thing sometimes seems to cause more trouble! My DH is the same way, caught some kid in my car stealing my stereo and chased him down the street. He didn't get hurt, but I did mention to him if that kid or the guy driving the get away car had a gun, it could have been a whole lot different.

Tell Ben to take care, and we appreciate that he did the right thing, even if it hurt his tongue!! :ill:

03-17-2008, 07:57 PM
I also feel the need to step and in and play hero but my fearlessness is usually upstaged by my lack of size and fortunately I have a wife now who won't let me "lend a hand" even if I could possibly "take" the guy. You never know who has a knife or a gun.

I just watch from as far away as possible and give as much detail to the operator as possible.

I once saw a really nice bum fight outside my local grocery store. Everybody and their brother was on the phone to the police but they just kept at it for a few more minutes before leaving. I saw them all hanging out together a few weeks later so chances are they weren't caught. I'm glad I don't live there anymore.

03-17-2008, 08:56 PM
Oh, Kristen!!

I am so sorry for Ben and what he had to go through to help that woman and child!

It is a sad society that we live in today. Thanks for trying to make it a little better :)

Please tell Ben that I hopes he feels better really soon!! Looking forward to seeing you both on Saturday!

03-17-2008, 09:47 PM
I too am sorry about Ben's injuries. But it's nice to know that there are still people in the world who care and don't just stand by and do nothing. I just wish he hadn't been repaid that way for his good deed.

03-17-2008, 09:52 PM
I'm sorry to hear he was hurt helping them. It's nice to hear about people helping other people though....it doesn't happen enough.

It seems like people have been getting crazier and crazier lately. A few months ago I called 911 because I saw a man get out of his car an attack someone.....just for crossing the street.

And just a week ago I saw a man trying to steal a car from the mall and so I went in and had someone at a nearby store call securtiy.

03-18-2008, 07:37 PM
It was just amazing to me that no one else around did a thing. They all just kept on walking like nothing was happening.

We got a letter today from Ben's health insurance warning him of a possible denial of payment to the ER because the injury was caused by a third party. Now how STUPID is that? If that is the case, I will take it to the president of my hospital and have the bill written off.

03-18-2008, 07:44 PM
I am so sorry to hear about that. I am familiar with Good Sam hospital, since we too live in Baltimore County. I sure hope that he feels better soon and that the insurance situation works itself out.

03-18-2008, 08:24 PM
So sorry to hear this. I'm glad Ben is OK. That had to be very scary for the both of you.

03-18-2008, 10:16 PM
Geez Kristen, that's terrible! I'm so sorry Ben was hurt like that but he's a hero in my eyes! Give him a hug from me!

03-18-2008, 10:32 PM
AAARRGGGH! Then insurance on top of it. I feel for you. Karma will repay this man. If this is the life he leads treating women and children like this he will get his. I am sorry for your good samaritan husband I hope he heals soon!

03-19-2008, 02:18 AM
I've very sorry for what happened to you and Ben. He is a very brave person not everyone who do what he did. I hope he's ok! :mickey:

03-19-2008, 02:42 PM
wow I can't believe how this world is. Ben did the right thing even though he got hurt. It's not like he was going to go beat up the guy all he was doing was making a call, if they were going to run anyways they should've done it before they beat up Ben. I hope he heals quickly. I'm just bothered by the woman with the child what's this going to teach the kid that hitting is normal. So sad.

03-19-2008, 04:08 PM
I'm so sorry that this happened to Ben for trying to do the right thing. Unfortunately, it's the world we're living in now. I used to be the first one to help people in need, and now I always have to think twice. Why? My friend's son tried to break up a fight between a man and his girlfriend. When he interevened, the man beat him to a pulp. He ended up in a coma and died. It's just sad! I hope that Ben feels better soon!!

03-19-2008, 05:22 PM
Thank you, everyone, for the well wishes and praise. I appreciate you all. I love this family.

Kathy, Ben got his :hug:and he says thank you.

I just hope this all works out. Still no news about his insurance.

03-19-2008, 06:32 PM
I hope everything works out with the insurance. If it doesn't I would go to the newspaper!
Tell Ben that I for one am glad the he stepped in, it shows there are still good people in the world.
I hope that he heals soon.
Be extra nice to him this week :mickey:

03-20-2008, 04:49 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about Ben's incident! It's not fair that he got hurt for doing the right thing. I hope that he is healing as well as he can.

That letter from the insurance is absurd! Does that mean that if I am hit by a car my insurance shouldn't pay for my medical bills because the injury was caused by a 3rd party? Ugh! I hate to see good people go through things like this!

03-20-2008, 04:58 PM
I realize it has to be very difficult to see your loved one having something like that happen just because he tried to help others. However, I am an individual who has a lot of health problems and can't take on someone like Ben did so I can tell you that I am very glad to know that there are those out there who will help out people like me when we get in trouble. Please consider yourself blessed to live with such a decent human being!

03-21-2008, 04:45 AM
How horrible and scary. I hope he mends quickly. Lots of :pixie::pixie: headed your way.

03-22-2008, 01:06 PM
Well in my opinion, men who beat on women or children are one step below pond scum. So I say kudos to Ben. I'd have done the same thing.

A sore mouth is a small price to pay for being able to hold your head up high and know you did the right thing.

04-14-2008, 11:57 AM
It was just amazing to me that no one else around did a thing. They all just kept on walking like nothing was happening.

We got a letter today from Ben's health insurance warning him of a possible denial of payment to the ER because the injury was caused by a third party. Now how STUPID is that? If that is the case, I will take it to the president of my hospital and have the bill written off.

I guess Kaiser decided I was right and they have paid the ER bill. Thank goodness!! Ben is 100% healed!! However, they have never found the person who attacked him. For all we know, he's probably attacked the wife and child again, but I can't think about that. It's just too depressing.

04-14-2008, 01:40 PM
I am glad that the insurance company paid the claim. At least that is one less thing to worry about now :)

04-14-2008, 03:20 PM
I don't know how I missed this :( So sorry to hear about the incident and glad the insurance company is footing the bill.
Unfortunately this happens more often than not. The last time I checked the stats they were 75% of women are killed by a man from their home. The stats are high too with the number of officers injured while on a domestic call. Unfortunately, it's pretty common for a victim to turn on the hero in a domestic dispute and it happens in the urban and rural settings. Many times there are drugs involved and yes you are lucky no one pulled a gun b/c it wouldn't surprise me if there was one or more on the scene. Unfortunately many woman believe that the man is justified in beating them and will come to his aid if you interfere. So please be safe. It's brave to take action but please don't let them see or hear you call. Remind your husband that it's valiant but we want him to stick around for his wife and kids too.
The first thing we learn in mental health is the person has to want to change... some are just not ready so be careful... So sorry you all had to go through this.

04-14-2008, 04:41 PM
I'm glade to hear Ben is ok. What is this world coming to? :(