View Full Version : DDP - Substitute Appie for Dessert?

01-17-2008, 02:59 PM
Can you sub an Appie for a dessert? I thought I read on the forum somewhere that this can be done. We are 4 people, 3 adults and an 8 year old. What I'd love to do is switch out 2 desserts for 2 appies, then get only 2 desserts and share. My 8 year old always leaves over 3/4 of her dessert, and from what I hear the desserts are fairly large anyway. That would work great for us.

01-17-2008, 03:40 PM
I am not sure they are going to allow this for the simple fact that most desserts are cheaper than appetizers and the reason they cut out the appetizer was to lower the overhead costs and raise their profits. The only thing I can suggest is asking at the individual restaurants and see what they say. The worst that can happen is they say "No, we are sorry the plan doesn't allow substitutions."

01-17-2008, 07:17 PM
I'm sure the answer is going to be no. As JPL said, it's all about the bottom line. If you have an appetizer AND a dessert, you will be seated for a longer period of time so not only will it cost them more for the app, you'll be taking away a seat from another group that they need to make money from.

You will more than likely have to order the app and pay for it via ash or credit. The choice is still yours, but may cost you more money.

01-18-2008, 12:11 PM
I have heard that some people are being offered a choice, but I wouldn't count on it. We're just going to plan on paying out of pocket if there's something we want as an appetizer (like the cheese soup at Le Cellier :tasty: ) If they give us a choice, that will be a bonus, but if not, we'll just pay for it. Let us know if you ever find out anything different! Have a great trip!! :thumbsup: