View Full Version : Power Tools Redux

09-17-2007, 10:34 AM
It's so hard to accurately convey what really happened via VMK-speak, so here's the real story:
Saturday morning my wife's brother & wife arrived with trailer in tow & off we went to Lowes to spend an ungodly amount of money on supplies (guess who the financier for this ends up being?) My Lead Guitarist meets us at the house & the adventure begins. As the crew worked, I fired up the smoker & the grill to keep everyone fed & hydrated. By 8 pm the entire frame-work was put together & about 1/3rd of the deck is in place.
Sunday it's down to just Christy & I, and after a few more supply runs (plus a quick haircut... I was getting somewhat shaggy or "Yeti-ish") we set to working on the deck. Now this meant that I HAD to pick up a drill and screw down one side while Christy did the other. On about the second or third board, the drill slipped & caught that web part of my hand between the thumb & index finger. Much yelling & a few towels later, we contininued. By days end I'd scraped & dinged my legs up & had several nicks and splinters in my guitar hand as well, plus a little sun-burn, but it was mostly done. We put on the first coat of stain/sealer in the dark (and now see that we need a second coat: never again do that by moonlight) and we are both very achy. My back & knees hurt but not as bad as I'd have thought, but my thighs and calves are burning today. But, we have a 30 foot long by 10 foot wide deck with an L-shape bend that is 15 feet long and 10 feet wide where the new jacuzzi will soon go!
And, the deck was red from stain... not Ice blood.

09-17-2007, 12:33 PM
Ouch you really just don't have any luck with those powertools do you? Glad you weren't hurt to badly. The deck sounds awesome and big which is always nice and I'm sure you wish you had that jacuzzi right about now when you are all achey. ;)

09-17-2007, 02:19 PM
Ok, being in construction, I know the rules:

Keep all hands ABOVE, not under, any dril bits or screws.

Similarly, keep all body parts above the hammer or a nail. This is probably the most painful of injuries

Wear gloves when working with concrete or materials capable of cutting or giving splinters.

Rule number If your name is Flyingiceman, don't work with tools...

you should almost be the power tool bubble boy...

09-17-2007, 03:54 PM
:nono::nono::nono: Stop trying to help Ice!

09-17-2007, 04:23 PM
Ice! Ouch.

You and I must remember to never work together.. there would be nobody left to dial 911.

I am slowly growing out my last tool injury.. I hit my thumb with a hammer. The black mark is slowly reaching the end of my nail bed. Glad I hit it rather than cut it off with the compound miter saw though. :)

09-17-2007, 04:50 PM
My wife bought me a lovely T-Shirt (and hid it in a guitar case so it would pop out in front of the band.) It has a big yellow construction triangle in the middle with Homer Simpson inside of it holding up a power drill to his eye, staring at it as if looking down the barrel of a gun, finger near the trigger. Caption reads: "MAN AT WORK".
Varcity me boyo, I thinks that perhaps the bubble idea might be a good one. In my ignorance I then ask, how do you get the screw started if both hands are above the drill bit?
Those first 2 rules about drills and hammers seem to apply to Patti & I! Perhaps Rule # should apply to Patti as well?

Went and made the down payment on the jacuzzi today... it will be delivered and installed after we get back from DLR. Seems it comes all the way out from that neck of the woods! We didn't get a bunch of the bells & whistles, but it does have a lounger type seat on side that I can lay all the way down on and stretch out with jets hitting me from every angle. (They had me climbing in and out of models to see how they "fit".) Now I have to call my Ortho doctor for a statement or RX stating that this tub will be beneficial to my condition & they will give me a discount! Woo Hoo!

09-17-2007, 09:29 PM
If your name is Flyingiceman, don't work with tools...

you should almost be the power tool bubble boy...


09-18-2007, 01:16 AM
ice ice ice when will you learn...

we don't need anymore bubble boys around here! NO MORE POWERTOOLS FOR YOU!!

09-18-2007, 08:45 AM
So my question here is once you are done presuming you are able to walk after the project is complete ;) Is the guest still available for me to move into :D

09-18-2007, 11:16 AM
An Ode to Ice

Flyingiceman has many skills
The ancient rocker's music thrills
Power tools bring him no fame
"Handy" man will be his name
If he slips again and loses a hand
No more playing in the band
A one armed Ice would be no fun
And my guest house would never be done!!

09-18-2007, 08:03 PM
Best poem ever Cat!!! I'm just rofl here!

09-18-2007, 09:55 PM

Ice, next time wear a power-tool repellent suit! You're like an injury magnet!

09-19-2007, 12:05 AM
An Ode to Ice

Flyingiceman has many skills
The ancient rocker's music thrills
Power tools bring him no fame
"Handy" man will be his name
If he slips again and loses a hand
No more playing in the band
A one armed Ice would be no fun
And my guest house would never be done!!
I wonder how this would sound set to music? I wonder if the guys would even allow me to sing a song about... me?

And yes, slowly I am walking around today. Wish that hot tub was here NOW! And I think Nacho had first dibs on the guest house... however, the tub is not attached to or considered part of the guest house. Sorry.

09-22-2007, 07:46 PM
A HAPPY ENDING!!! (mostly :blush:)
I got up this morning (unwillingly, thanks to my cats) and readied myself to "swab the deck" with a second coat of stain/water sealer. I was feeling a bit froggy, and as I walked about remembered we hadn't finished screwing down all of the planks (I think the accepted rule is every other support beam needs to be screwed down into) so I headed for Lady Ice's tool's and got me a drill and went to work. About an hour and a half later of stooping, bending and sweating profusely and I had finished securing the entire deck without incident!
Next, I got out the string mop and bucket of stain/sealer and coated that big ol' monster heavily, all the while yelling at each gust of wind that sent leaves from the tree flittering across the deck. Another hour later, I stood to observe my handywork: :thumbsup::thumbsup:
Feeling quite pleased, I called Lady Ice to tell her of my morning (all of this was finished before 11 am!) She was shocked I had used her tools, but happy to hear the deck was done (except for some steps leading down to the grill area and firewood area... something I am not even allowed to attempt solo!) As we talked I felt a burning sensation in my "picking" hand; I had rubbed a couple of blisters were I was holding the mop to swab the deck and they were open, raw and icky. Since then, the middle finger on my "guitar" hand (where the doctor says the joint is bone to bone) began to throb and I had to wrap it in a splint to make it stop. Lady Ice asked why I hadn't used my work gloves... uh, d'oh!
So if ya see me falling asleep while we hang out this weekend in whatever room, it's because... well, because I am what I am!

09-23-2007, 08:10 AM
Ice dude now worries there. I'm sure lady ice is very happy that you didn't get hurt worst then you did. I'll see if I can't hang out for at least a couple of hours tonight.

09-23-2007, 09:20 AM
trackbarroness; "I'll see if I can't hang out for at least a couple of hours tonight."
Sure... If only VMk will let us in! ;)