View Full Version : Help! Serious Problem!

05-29-2007, 04:17 PM
Hi to all! I have one heck of a problem here. About 1 week ago I woke up and couldnt hear out of my left ear and had absolutely no balance and was so sick at my stomach. Afew days later no change so I went to the doctor and they said probably inner ear infection and put me on antibiotics and a med called antivert for the vertigo and zyrtec D. Well I have been on the meds for 4 days now and have seen no improvement and my trip is in 2 weeks. I dont know how in the world I am going to get around disney if I cant walk without falling. My kids and family are upset because I wont be able to do anything. If anyone has any ideas or has had this problem please give me some advice. I feel like I am ruining the whole trip for everyone. I just wanna cry. :(

05-29-2007, 04:34 PM
Sorry you are feeling so sick. Call your doctor again and see what they say. Sometimes it takes about a week of taking your meds before you start to feel better. There may be a different med they can give you for the vertigo to help control it. Hope you get to feeling better real soon!

05-29-2007, 05:22 PM
well I hate that you're now feeling well, but the good news is that 2 weeks is plenty of time to kick your ailment. I used to suffer from many ear infections, most often cured by antibiotics, like Keflex. (i still get an ugly chill when i hear that medicine's name!) The key to kicking any infection is water and vitamin c. Water carries out impurities and waste, so flood your system and get the trash moving. Plus, eat plenty of oranges or vitamin suppliments. Not two of my favorite things, but they both work well, and will get you running by the time WDW comes up. Also, one thing that worked for me is a very hot, steamy shower. The heat makes you sweat out toxins, plus the steam clears out your sinuses, and will make the infection clear out faster. Use these 3 tips and you'll be well in no time. Good luck, and feel better!

05-29-2007, 05:31 PM
UGH! Dizziness is a miserable feeling!

Sadly, I don't have any advice, but I do want to wish you well and hope you have a great trip!

05-29-2007, 05:36 PM
I think you should go to your doctor again or see an ear, nose, throat specialist ASAP. There are many other medications that they can give you although Antivert is the most commonly used drug for the vertigo. If it hasn't started responding by now, they probably need to change anitbiotics if it's a bacterial infection. They could also possibly add steriods. Good luck to you - keep us updated. Here's some pixie dust for a speedy recovery! :pixie:

05-29-2007, 10:00 PM
I agree with Kathy, my dd has been on steriods several times b/c of a stubborn ear infection and fluid that just won't drain from the middle ear. :pixie: I'm sure there's something that could help in a matter of days... don't give up... keep calling that dr!!

05-30-2007, 12:12 AM
Fluid in the ear can be a problem that lasts longer than you want it too. Please consult your Dr again, & the idea of ear-nose-throat specialist may not be a bad one.
Unfortunatly, speaking from experience you may want to be cautious about some rides (ones you normally would not get motion sick on). I have learned that after experiencing vertigo (nasty fluid in inner ear), I had problems with many things that would normally not make me motion sick (for about 2 months)...
one thing I found though, taking a heavy duty antihistimine (one that dry's you out) like DRIXORAL, helps me.Beware of Drowsyness (I take stuff like that at night for that reason)

Good Luck, Feel better
Oh, I am no Dr...please consult one before mixing any medications...

05-30-2007, 12:59 AM
Excellent advice has been given by the previous posters, so good that I have no advice to offer myself. I just wanted to say I will keep you in my prayers for a quick recovery (quick= before your trip);) and loads of :pixie::pixie::pixie::pixie::pixie:on the way.

05-30-2007, 01:11 AM
I vote for a return visit to your doctor as well.
Tell him/her you are flying soon and need this cleared up ASAP. Maybe the Doctor will perscribe a stronger anitbiotic.
Good Luck and keep us posted.

05-30-2007, 07:32 AM
I had an inner ear infection about 10 years ago. The only difference I ever notice is that I can't do spinny rides like the Tea Cups or Tilt-a-Whirl - which is fine with me. Roller Coasters are fine, just anything that keeps circling makes me feel :ack:! Makes me feel like my brain is swimming!
Hope you're feeling better soon. Try looking online for more info on the problem, and definitely talk to your doctor.

Jeri Lynn
05-30-2007, 07:56 AM
I had a severe case of vertigo a few years back. I would strongly suggest going to an ear specialist.

I ended up taking an ambulance ride because my head was spinning so bad and could not stop vomiting, at that point I had no idea what was wrong with me.

After a cat scan that showed a sinus infection and an MRI that showed nerve damage to my inner-ear I am left with a 70% hearing loss at the high range, and a constant ringing in my left ear.

The dizziness eventually went away, but I was still left with an off-balance feeling that lasted quite a long time...when I walked I tended to walk to the left and bump into the person on that side of me all the time. I eventually went to vestibular therapy which helped me quite a bit.

Luckily I have not had a bad case of dizziness again for a long time, occassionally I will have an off-balance feeling.

Good luck, I hope you feel better soon!

05-30-2007, 07:56 PM
Hello Dreamin of Disney,

I just went to the doctor today for my extreme dizziness. He recommended Meclizine 25mg one twice daily (morning and bedtime). Also said to drink LOTS of fluids since this restores the balance to your ears.

He said if that didn't help in 7-10 days, it isn't the inner ear.

Just wanted to let you know so you could ask your doctor if that could be right for you!